Citizen Kane (1941)

You’ve probably heard people say “Rosebud”, but have no idea what they’re talking about. Jim and A.Ron are here to enlighten you. Orson Welles, as a 24 year old, co-wrote, directed, and starred in this bastion of American cinema. It’s an impressive jump for Welles to go from terrifying the nation with his fictional alien broadcasts to creating one of the best movies ever made.

Bald Move Prestige - Superbowl 52: Eagles vs Patriots

In a gutsy, unorthodox call, Commissioner Dustin selected Superbowl 52 as the subject for a podcast. Since Jim has a well known antipathy towards all things sports related, and with the Commish’s permission, I tapped my buddy Jesse from the WHY IS MR. FEENY A CAR?! podcast to be my second string podcast host. We watched the game together, and then got together to talk FOOTBALL! Warning to all my friends from Boston and the greater New England area. Please don’t listen to this podcast. We both loath the Patriots franchise and take just so many shots at the team, it’s ownership, coaching staff, and most beloved players. There is nothing for you here. For all other NFL fans come on in, I’m sure you’ll find something to like!

Schindler’s List (1993)

Liam Neeson stars as Oskar Schindler, a Nazi party member and war profiteer who goes to Krakow, Poland to find cheap Jewish labor. Steven Spielberg strips down his usual directing style to deliver a documentary-like narrative of the fight for survival of the Jewish people. This episode isn’t just a review, get a dose of history and behind the scenes filmmaking in the creation of this movie.

Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Don the disco suit you keep in the back of your closet because we’re covering Gene Siskel’s favorite movie. Saturday Night Fever starts as a feature length commercial for disco music and then goes to dark places you wouldn’t expect. Does the movie hold up to modern sensibilities? What are we supposed to take away from this story? Jim and A.Ron discuss these questions and more in this episode of Bald Move Prestige.

Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

This Hollywood classic is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Humphrey Bogart, the “Harrison Ford type” of his day, stars alongside Walter Huston and Tim Holt as poor prospectors in an increasingly desperate situation. Even if you haven’t seen Treasure of the Sierra Madre yet, you’ve seen it referenced in pop culture across the decades. Check out this bastion of The Golden Age with Jim and A.Ron as they give you a behind the scenes look at some of the shady dealings in the making of this film.

Good Will Hunting (1997)

There’s more to this movie than apples. Twenty five years ago, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck debuted as actors and screenwriters. As long as you’re not counting the possible writing expertise of William Goldstein. Robin Williams sheds the manic energy of previous roles and won an Oscar for portraying psychologist Sean Maguire. If you haven’t seen this movie in a while, give it another go because it hits differently each time.

Insomnia (2002)

Follow Al Pacino to an Alaskan town where the sun never sets, but darkness lurks beneath. There’s been a murder! Can Pacino catch the killer before they strike again? This movie is based on the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name and Nolan adds some of his signature flavor to this remake. Weave through the insomnia-induced hallucinations with Jim and A.Ron and hunt down the truth.

Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

Two decades later, Ocean’s Eleven is cemented in as a genre defining film. The star studded cast has everyone’s non-problematic fav, George Clooney. To A.Ron, it’s a near perfect film. To Jim, it’s a great movie, but Julia Roberts is there. If you like memorable one-liners, snappy editing, and wildly entertaining characters, you’ll love this movie and the podcast episode about it.

There Will Be Blood (2007) 15th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of the movie’s 15th anniversary, we’re rereleasing our podcast on There Will Be Blood (2007) so you can experience the grit, the performances, and the blood of it all over again!
This Bald Movie Commissioned Podcast is for Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano.  It was made possible by the following people, who pooled their funds together to make this community commission possible.  Special thanks to Elina V., Ryan Q., Mike M., BritBandicoot, Dcaine68, Latent K, TheWilliam85, Jaimie T., Alex M, Geraud DeL, Dmkolls, and Dplowery.  With that said, this movie is incredible.  The acting is on another level, the visuals are gorgeous, the story imminently watchable. If you’ve seen the movie, you know how incredibly intimidating drinking milkshakes can be, and if you haven’t, you’ll soon find out.

Boogie Nights (1997)

Paul Thomas Anderson gives us a trippy look into the porn industry in this dark comedy. From hilarious to heartbreaking, this movie will go places you don’t expect. Marky Mark and his manhood become stars, but stardom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As these strange characters descend into a world of drugs and abuse, the message of the movie becomes harder to decipher. And A.Ron has some wild, JJ Abram-approved theories about the end of the film.