Groundhog Day 2025 Hobbithon Wrap Up!

A.Ron and Jim emerge from their hobbit holes with tales of wonder and heroism! We watched all of the extended Hobbits, all of the extended Lord of the Rings, AND the all new War of the Rohirrim over 24 hours for the folks at In doing so, we raised exactly $50,000 with the help of our amazing community! The boys reminisce about the prep, the event, the aftermath, and go over the community’s favorite moments from the stream. Then, we bring on Lainie from The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund to accept the donation for CureAlz and talk about the latest findings in Alzheimer’s research!

Love Hurts (2025)

We definitely don’t agree with the critical consensus on Love Hurts. Most people found it to be unfunny and narratively rocky, but at just 1 hour 23 minutes, we found it to be exactly the kind of enjoyable popcorn romp we were sold. Join the discussion:  Email | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us:…