Bald Move Pulp - 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Jim and A.Ron took in the psychological thriller “10 Cloverfield Lane”, and have a lot to say about the performances, the plot, and the trailers previewing movies we may or may not be interested in. The movie is directed by talented rookie Dan Trachtenberg, and stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, and John Gallagher Jr, and is being called the “spiritual successor” to the original J.J. Abrams joint, “Cloverfield”, whatever the hell that means. Everyone can enjoy the non-spoiler reviews, but you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move member to hear the full podcast. We’ll be back in two weeks for the potential blockbuster/turd “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”!

Bald Move Prestige - An American Werewolf in London (1981)

This podcast was commissioned as a wedding gift from David Faggiani to his little brother Matt, to celebrate their life-long love affair with the 1981 John Landis horror/comedy “American Werewolf in London”. We discuss the awesome practical effects of the movie, the fine line between comedy and absurdity the film walks, the English countryside, and much more.

Bald Move Prestige - Cowspiracy (2014)

Special thanks to Adele McDonough who commissioned a podcast on the 2014 documentary film “Cowspiracy”, available on Netflix and most other streaming services. Produced and directed by Kip Anderson, it alleges a vast conspiracy among big business, politicians, and even environmental special interests groups to bury the severe negative impact the consumption of meat has on our global climate and water supply. Jim and A.Ron check the facts and try to answer some tough moral and ethical questions as we debate the facts, figures, and philosophy of where individual rights and personal choices come into conflict with the greater good and our duties to posterity.

Bald Move Prestige - Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Mr. Justin “Hatorian” K. won a Bald Move fantasy football league, and this was his reward; the selection of the modern classic war movie, “Saving Private Ryan”. Directed by Steven Spielberg, and starring every man in Hollywood (Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel, Bryan Cranston, NATHAN FILLION, Paul Giamatti, among others), it’s a pitiless look into the hell that is war. It is also moving, heroic, complex tale of brotherhood, bravery, cowardice, and loss. It’s a powerful film that you really must see before partaking of the podcast, but if you’ve already stormed the beaches of Normandy with Capt. Miller and company, please enjoy the podcast.

Bald Move Pulp - Deadpool (2016)

Jim and A.Ron saw the latest kinda-sorta-Marvel movie, “Deadpool”, and found it defied their expectations. Rather pleasantly so. What we were expecting is some kind of Dumpuary disaster, and what we got was a slick, action packed, very hard “R”, very funny send up of the super hero genre. If you like movies in the “Cranked” franchise, or the latest “Kingsmen” flick, you’ll be right at home. If you want our general thoughts and opinions, as well as what we’re excited for in the “coming soon” trailers, you are welcome to help yourself, but we save the spoiler-filled deep dive for Bald Move Club members only!

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Special thanks to Judd Blevins, who as a Marine has a special place in his heart for Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket and thus pulled the metaphoric trigger on this commission. A tale of two movies if there ever was one, and featuring what A.Ron describes as a very “un-Kubrickian” structure and asthetic, they guys talk about life in the military, ethics and morality in times of war, season two of Serial Podcast, and probably ill-informed commentary on geopolitics.

Bald Move Prestige - Hail, Caesar! (2016)

We’ve seen the latest Coen brother’s film, “Hail, Caesar!”, and it’s really… something. Funny, but not hilarious, interesting but ultimately meaningless… or is it? A crazy stew of singing and dancing and politics and religion and featuring more star power than the Milky Way, like most Coen films it will probably reward multiple views. Check out our spoiler free mini-review, and if you’re a Club member, stick around for a spoiler filled in depth discussion.

Bald Move Prestige - The Shining (1980)

Jim and A.Ron check into the Overlook Hotel as we are compelled to podcast on the 1980 Stanley Kubrick psychological-horror masterpiece, “The Shining”. Starring Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall, it’s an incredible combination of beautifully crafted shots, stunning and terrifying visuals and imagery, and Jack Nicholson’s fully insane acting. There is so much to discuss; the film itself, our reactions, Stephen King’s antagonism towards the film, the various theories and documentaries the film has spawned, subliminal messages and hidden meanings, and fine naked ladies with implausible afros. All this and more is discussed, and we felt like we hardly scratched the surface.

A Prophet (2009)

Special thanks to Frank Cantelmi for pulling the metaphoric trigger to commission a podcast on “A Prophet”, a 2009 French film and Academy Award nominee directed by Jacques Audiard. An intense, beautiful, absorbing look in how a hapless youth is pulled ever deeper into a world of violent crime, Jim and A.Ron compare it favorably to The Godfather, Goodfellas, and Scarface. Yes, really. Thanks again, Frank!

Bald Move Prestige - Pulp Fiction (1994)

Hey, it’s our first ever community commissioned podcast! Thanks to eight intrepid members of the Bald Move community for pitching in and making this podcast happen. Pulp Fiction is a Tarantino classic, starring Sam Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman along with many others. It’s funny, it’s violent, it’s cool as hell, it is watchable as all hell, features a lot of interesting structural and visual details, and offers some of the all time best dialog ever. We love this film, and we hope you all love the podcast. If you want another Bald Move take, check out Eric and Levi’s Direct podcast covering Pulp Fiction.