Electric Bookaloo: Jon VIII (Clash)
Has Jon yet realized that he is a warg? What was Qhorin’s long-term plan for Jon? Who boasts the better legacy: GRRM, Lucas, or Tolkien? Prof. Chadwick T. Carmichael is back to discuss.
Has Jon yet realized that he is a warg? What was Qhorin’s long-term plan for Jon? Who boasts the better legacy: GRRM, Lucas, or Tolkien? Prof. Chadwick T. Carmichael is back to discuss.
Lunchtime! Jim and A.Ron discuss their Groundhog Day totals and their conversation with the rep from CureAlz. Maybe Talitha will join the marathon in person next year if she promises not to hurt anyone. On the smorgasbord of Lunch we have ranking natural disasters, The Bobiverse, that new Jurassic Park trailer and more!
A.Ron and Jim emerge from their hobbit holes with tales of wonder and heroism! We watched all of the extended Hobbits, all of the extended Lord of the Rings, AND the all new War of the Rohirrim over 24 hours for the folks at curealz.org. In doing so, we raised exactly $50,000 with the help of our amazing community! The boys reminisce about the prep, the event, the aftermath, and go over the community’s favorite moments from the stream. Then, we bring on Lainie from The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund to accept the donation for CureAlz and talk about the latest findings in Alzheimer’s research!
The Yellowjackets are back! After two years, Jim and A.Ron wander back into the 90s wilderness where the teenage girls strive to survive. In the present day, Misty is becoming Natalie. Lottie and Callie are getting close. And Shauna wants to speak to the manager. Jim and A.Ron are here to discuss characters, plots, and…
Jim and A.Ron have entered the Waffle Poddy floor. Lumon employees fight reintegration sickness, constant interruption, and stem cell slurries. We’re halfway through the season and all clips from the trailer have been spotted. It’s all new from here on out! Let’s have a nine second moment of silence for everyone who dealt with a printer in the 90s.
Star Trek. The final frontier. These are the podcasts of three enthusiastic nerds. As crew members on the USS Club Bald Move you have special clearance to review the behind the scenes records of the making of each Baldly Go episode. In this bonus episode you’ll hear fun conversations that had to be cut for…
Star Trek. The final frontier. These are the podcasts of three enthusiastic nerds. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, but what are little girls made of? I don’t know, I’m just a description. You should ask Talitha, Jim and A.Ron as they drop some mineral-based phallic-adjacent real-life Jim and A.Ron lore, discuss how…
Who is to blame for Tyrion’s assassination attempt? Phil Haberkern discusses the possibilities.
There is a new season of Yellowjackets creeping towards us. Jim and A.Ron, your intrepid citizen detectives, are back to discuss where the show left off and theories for season three! Subscribe to Bureau of Citizen Detectives to stay in the know!
Lunchtime! Jim and A.Ron were twizzling knobs for 24 hours straight for the Groundhogs Day Marathon! Bald Move is turning 15 in March, which era is your favorite? More Munchers have weighed in on this chili-ice cream business. Get a quick summary of GHD before the full recap podcast comes out. Throw Talitha a sugar cube, she is the workhorse carting these two around.