
LWJ&A – Episode 457 – Mr. Miyagi’s Stump

Lunchtime! Happy Pi Day! What kind of Pi are you munching on to celebrate? Today’s Lunch menu includes media to consume in German, Jim and A.Ron on a book cover, beloved old radio shows, and Errol Flynn! Whether you’re looking for a laugh, a new book, or a tentative date for Badass Fest, you’ll find it all in this week’s Lunch!


LWJ&A – Episode 456 – Dobby Chalamet

Lunchtime! A.Ron wants you to know that he’s a lorewhore for Warhammer. The hosts have some musicians to recommend. If you enjoyed Star Wars burlesque, would you consider a vampiric cocktail experience? What’s up next on your TBR? Who would make a better Dumbledore, Jared Harris or John Turturro?


LWJ&A – Episode 455 – Horse Math

Lunchtime! The Texans are donning their cowboy boots and hats. AppleTV+ has tapped the new showrunner for Foundation…maybe that asteroid should hit us. How many fun facts do you know about Cincinnati? And get a sneak peak at Bald Move’s upcoming coverage!


LWJ&A – Episode 453 – Duel Wielding Shovels

Lunchtime! Jim and A.Ron discuss their Groundhog Day totals and their conversation with the rep from CureAlz. Maybe Talitha will join the marathon in person next year if she promises not to hurt anyone. On the smorgasbord of Lunch we have ranking natural disasters, The Bobiverse, that new Jurassic Park trailer and more!


LWJ&A – Episode 452 – Twizzling Knobs

Lunchtime! Jim and A.Ron were twizzling knobs for 24 hours straight for the Groundhogs Day Marathon! Bald Move is turning 15 in March, which era is your favorite? More Munchers have weighed in on this chili-ice cream business. Get a quick summary of GHD before the full recap podcast comes out. Throw Talitha a sugar cube, she is the workhorse carting these two around.


LWJ&A – Episode 451 – Severed Flatulence

Lunchtime! Groundhog Day Charity Livestream starts February 1st!! Tune in for a great cause and to watch Jim and A.Ron slowly succumb to the power of the Ring in their 24-hour Lord of the Rings marathon! On this lunch, catch up with some additional thoughts on bidets, space talk, and the nastiest ice cream invention on the planet.


LWJ&A – Episode 450 – I’m Twerking In Here!

Lunchtime! Set the cruise control on your Sub-uwu, Jim and A.Ron are riding in with a piping hot lunch. Get a sneak peak on the prep for the upcoming Groundhog’s Day 24 hour live charity event. Learn the perfect settings for a bidet. And get a dose of nostalgia as Jim, A.Ron, and Talitha discuss their favorite television related childhood memories.


LWJ&A – Episode 449 – Sub-uwu

Lunchtime! A.Ron is simping for his new car. Alpaca is where the profits go. What are Jim and A.Ron both looking forward to in 2025? Which German idiom speaks to you? And MOST importantly, which animal are you picking to be your companion?