Bald Move Prestige - The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is one of the most famous revenge stories ever told. This adaptation features Richard Harris, Jim Caviezel, and Guy Pearce. This movie came out in the era of hero-centered adventure movies full of action and good-looking actors. Go on this famous revenge tale with Jim and A.Ron and they walk through the multi-leveled machinations. Déconner et découvrir.

The Bourne Identity (2002)

This week on Bald Move Prestige, we’re covering a pivotal action-thriller that redefined the scope of action movies for years to come. That’s right, it’s The Bourne Identity starring Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles, and Clive Owen.

Road to Perdition (2002)

Road to Perdition is the only movie we could think of that features Tom Hanks as anything other than a wholesome heroic type. It turns out he’s an honest-to-goodness actor and he can absolutely pull off the Irish gangster dead set on avenging his murdered family, especially when he’s sharing the screen with other talented actors such as Paul Newman and Daniel Craig. Who knew!

Bald Move Pulp - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Looks like The Lord of the Rings is back on the menu, boys! It’s another LotR mega-pod and this time you have epic mouthful to thank. This time we’re covering the rough middle ground of the epic saga, The Two Towers. While it is our least favorite of the LotR movies, that’s not to say that it’s bad. Actually, it’s very good. We take this opportunity to run down our favorite moments, thoughts on the storytelling, differences between the extended and theatrical versions as well as the books, and all the behind-the-scenes details we can get our hands on.

Super Serious Film Fest - Reign of Fire (2002)

The next installment of Super Serious Film Fest: Fantasy features Reign of Fire, a movie so-close-to-sort-of-kind-of-good that it lands squarely into the realm of “cheesy fun.” Aside from Game of Thrones, no film or series has done more to advance the art of CGI dragons as Reign, and no other film even comes close in the coveted shirtless McConaughey vs. Bale category. If you look carefully, you may see an extremely young King Joffrey hiding out among the other plucky young heroes. Please enjoy our podcast, and if you’re a Club Member, be sure to check out our LiveWatch!


Reign of Fire (2002) – LIVEWATCH

A.Ron and Jim investigate the documentary Reign of Fire, which chronicles what happens when greedy early-21st century dragon tycoons delved too greedily and too deep for dragons in the very bowels of London. Nothing good, that’s what! Come sync up the film and watch with us or put on our commentary track for background laughs. They’re no wrong way to do a LiveWatch!