Love Hurts (2025)

We definitely don’t agree with the critical consensus on Love Hurts. Most people found it to be unfunny and narratively rocky, but at just 1 hour 23 minutes, we found it to be exactly the kind of enjoyable popcorn romp we were sold. Join the discussion:  Email | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us:…

The Flamekeepers: A Silo Podcast - S02E10 – Into the Fire

The season finale of Silo is here! Jim and A.Ron are here to discuss the finale of season 2 of the hit sci-fi from Apple TV+. The rebellion led by Knox and Shirley is bubbling over. Juliette makes one last desperate bid to get back to her Silo. Will Bernard have everyone under his thumb by the time the credits roll? Find out these things and more with your Flamekeepers, Jim and A.Ron!


Jingle All The Way (1996) – Public Premiere

Experience the holiday cheer of Podcasts of Christmas Past and enjoy this special public premiere episode!

Bad Ass Christmas continues.   What on the surface is a light-hearted tale with decent to good performances hides a deeper, darker secret that exposes everything wrong with the increasing consumer culture encroaching on everything that is good about the observation of Christmas.  The boys spend time grapling with that, and discuss Arnold’s career in general, and Phil Hartman’s shamelessness, before things devolve into reindeer punching.