Watching Westworld - S04E08 – Que Será, Será

Whether you’re mourning or celebrating this season, tune in for Jim and A.Ron’s lively discussion on the season finale. In the words of Dylan Thomas, we’re asking this show “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against what this new acquisition might do to you.” If it doesn’t get a season 5, just could consider this show on a recursive loop.


Empire Business – August 2022

It’s Jim and A.Ron, the real-life people behind the magic of Bald Move with updates for you. If you hear the guys say “The Club”, they’re referring to both the Classic Club and the Patreon Club. Also, there are some plans for new forums, a fun shake-up for Off the Clock, and possible future Club access to the Watch Party archives. And in September, we’ll be looking for volunteers for our Groundhog Day charity event. So keep an eye out!

House of the Dragon - Season 1 Preview

One of the most talked about shows is premiering soon! Join in as A.Ron gives us and Jim a rundown of his impressions of the pilot of House of the Dragon. OG Game of Thrones fans will find out where in the Westeros lore this show will begin and what is considered canon in the context of HOTD. Need more? Check out this episode of Electric Bookaloo with A.Ron and Anthony discussing the HOTD pilot. Need even more!? This Sunday night, A.Ron’s podcast with Kim Renfro will be hitting your feeds!


Prey, Sandman, Harley Quinn, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, The Bear

Listeners beware, there are spoilers ahead. Like so many all throughout, okay?

From cool, new finds like the movie Prey to an old favorite like Harley Quinn, Jim and A.Ron discuss what they’re been enjoying and confused by. Sandman didn’t grab their fancy, but Jim will vouch for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Find out the “why”s and “why-not”s on this episode of Off the Clock.