Yellowjackets - S03E07 – Croak

A standard midlife crisis includes murder, concealment of evidence, and lying to your family…at least according to this episode of Yellowjackets. This week on Bureau of Citizen’s Detectives, Jim and A.Ron ponder the clues surrounding the show’s biggest mysteries. Who killed Lottie? Has Dark Tai been in control this whole time? What did the girls do with those frog-loving researchers?

Yellowjackets - S03E05 – Did Tai Do That?

You never forget your first…amputation. Back in ye yonder years of the 1990s; Coach Ben’s trial threatens to end with a bang. In the present, the adult Yellowjackets argue over who among them is the most murderous. (Walter probably has them all beat.) Grab a Lottie-pop and join Jim and A.Ron as they dive further into the mystery in the Bureau of Citizen Detectives.

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S03E10 – Knight Rider (1982) – S03E06 – “KITT vs. KARR”

Closing out our very special season of Mr. Feeny with the return of a very special supervillain, KARR! The evil super car is back with a new voice and a new look, but he’s still at it with the low stakes crimes sprees aided and abetted by pretty dumb guys that nevertheless have the one quality that KARR lacks; hands. Will KARR prove to be the superior autonomous roving vehicle? Or will Michael and KITT be able to boost their way to another victory? Find out, in this thrilling conclusion to this season of Feeny!