The Podcast Maneuver - S03E03 – Seventeen Seconds

Picard delivers a good episode! Between Picard’s new family members, Worf’s one-liners, and the weak medical practices, this episode has lots to unpack. When you’re dealing with a show with decades of history and plot twists both cool and nonsensical, it provides great theory fodder. In addition to their usual commentary, Jim and A.Ron have a theory crafting session that will have you laughing.

Creed III (2023)

Hollywood heartthrob Michael B. Jordan both stars in and directs the newest Creed movie. It’s the ninth movie in the Rocky series and the opponents just keep getting more ripped. Jonathan Majors, fresh from his Marvel body-building boot camp, steps into the ring to challenge Creed. This movie has heart, camp, and a daring fight. Put on your gloves and check out Creed III with Jim and A.Ron.

Days of Thunder (1990)

Days of Thunder is the semi-dramatic car-racing cousin of Talladega Nights. Director Tony Scott has helmed other high caliber projects such as Top Gun and Crimson Tide. It’s written by Robert Towne who penned Chinatown and Mission Impossible 1 and 2. So why did this movie turn out to be silly? Well, it could be the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Maybe it’s Michael Rookers’ lack of caution with his brain bleed. Whatever it was, it didn’t stop Robert Ebert from breaking the ethos of Tom Cruise down to a science.

The Last of Us - S01E07 – Left Behind

In this DLC (downloadable content for the non-gamers) episode we get a close look at Ellie’s past and her relationship with Riley. Jim and A.Ron ponder the questions, “Would this have been better as a Christmas episode?” and “Why did it take so long for the infected to hear them?”. This was the calm before the storm. You’ll be wishing for more wonders as this season starts wrapping up and we have to say goodbye.

Groundhog Day Wrapup 2023

This was the sixth annual Groundhog Day and it was a resounding success thanks to the support of the Bald Move community! This year, Jim and A.Ron watched the entire Fast and Furious franchise to raise money for the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund and they had a great time along the way. In this episode you will hear from Connor Swan from Cure Alz Foundation and get a peek into the AI madness that kept Jim and A.Ron laughing at the odd hours of the night.

Cocaine Bear (2023)

You get what you see in the trailer with this movie, and that’s a good thing. The big, messy gore will entertain you, you sick individual. The cast will have you saying, “Hey, I recognize them!” every couple of minutes. And it’s all based on a true story from the 1980s! So, maybe this is technically a historical drama? Club members, you’ll get the strangest and most hilarious play by play for this crazy-fun movie.