Forrest Gump (1994)

Forrest Gump is an artifact of a more innocent age; a time before Tom Hanks learned to make fire. Before Robin Wright made binge-watching a lifestyle. Before Hollywood acknowledged that Pulp Fiction had changed the way audiences engaged with movies. Join us for the podcast to take a trip back in time and find out if this Academy darling still holds up.

The Green Knight (2021)

You’ve seen the trailer for The Green Knight, right? It looks really cool, like a flashier, trippier version of Excalibur. I mean, look at that poster! That’s awesome! Well, if that’s what you’re expecting of the movie you’re going to be disappointed. It’s definitely more of an art film than an action movie. Check out the podcast to hear our non-spoiler review and trailer talk and then, if you’re a club member or patron, stick around for the full spoiler review.

Marriage Story (2019)

Marriage Story is deceptively named, it has a deceptive poster, and its characters are deceiving (or at least deluding) themselves and their spouse. It’s a passionate movie that also feels real in the way that it could happen to anyone anywhere, even though its happening to two exceptionally successful people. Join us for the podcast to hear our full review.

Bald Move Pulp - Bloodsport (1988)

KUMITE! KUMITE! For anyone who grew up in the 80s or 90s, Bloodsport is the best-known movie starring a man best-known for his incredibly limber legs, Jean-Claude Van Damme. Also starring Bolo Yeung as the man with the world’s largest pecs, it’s a movie that we both love and fear. Take a journey to Kowloon (seriously!) with us as we break down this classic badass movie from our childhoods.

The Bourne Identity (2002)

This week on Bald Move Prestige, we’re covering a pivotal action-thriller that redefined the scope of action movies for years to come. That’s right, it’s The Bourne Identity starring Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles, and Clive Owen.

Rain Man (1988)

Tom Cruise has a problem. His imported car flipping business is failing and he just found out that he has a secret brother who is an autistic savant. But those aren’t his problems. His problem is that he’s an asshole. But there’s a cure for that and it’s a movie called Rain Man. Join us for a discussion of this critically acclaimed classic film to hear what we think of it 30 years later.

The Verdict (1982)

The Verdict is a movie about a medical malpractice lawsuit that marks a milestone in Paul Newman’s career. Join us for a discussion of this deceptively good film that turns the charismatic leading man into a sad, old, washed up lawyer trying, and perhaps succeeding, to rekindle his life.