Foundation - S02E08 – The Last Empress

We want answers! Congratulations to the writers of Foundation for writing an effective villain, we hate Tellem. Between missing memories and sabotaged tech, Jim and A.Ron have some questions. Who is secretly working against Empire? Is Demerzel a double agent? How could psychohistory account for every little detail?

Star Trek: The Original Series - S02E08 – Under the Cloak of War

It is a right of passage for each sci-fi series to do a “war” episode. Ortegas is not happy about the ship’s new guest, the guest being the Klingon war criminal Rah. Known as the “Butcher”, Rah’s presence on the Enterprise triggers PTSD in Dr. M’Benga. Get to know more of M’Benga’s backstory in this excellently written episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

The Bear – S02E07-10

The last course is served on this season of The Bear. This character study was an exquisite sweet and salty combo that encapsulated the nuances of being a flawed human being. Between the laughs and heartbreak, there’s a smorgasbord of colorful characters you don’t want to miss.

Yellowjackets - S02E08 – It Chooses

By the end of the episode, Jim is 100% sure that this show is going to reveal supernatural forces. A.Ron keeps it leal (ifykyk) and still defends team science. As the plot thickens in preparation for the season finale next week, we get a look into how the Wilderness is haunting the reunited adult Yellowjackets. It seems that not everyone is going to make it to the next season. Is Lottie a danger to herself and the other women? What is Walter’s end goal? And Jeff, what are you doing?

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S02E08 – The A-Team (1983) – S02E21 – Deadly Maneuvers

On the second half of this season of Mr. Feeny, we’re checking out the BEST episodes of the series we’ve already seen, and this week we’re taking a second look at A-Team’s “Deadly Maneuvers”! Seems like everybody wants an arch nemesis to square off against in the 80s, and this week the A-Team is met with a B-Team assembled from the personals section of Soldier of Fortune magazine by a corrupt consortium of rich dicks who are sick of the A-Teams meddling in their affairs. You’ll never guess, but Mr. T is once more laid low by drinking milk. I pity the fool who doesn’t got milk!