Foundation - S02E10 – Creation Myths

It’s the season finale, baby! Is the finale tricksy and false, or is it a well woven tapestry that brings together the threads of season 2? Demerzel has become a formidable foe for those who would trigger her defensive programming. But maybe there’s a way to logic your way around it. So many things go wrong in order for them to go right.

The Bear – S02E07-10

The last course is served on this season of The Bear. This character study was an exquisite sweet and salty combo that encapsulated the nuances of being a flawed human being. Between the laughs and heartbreak, there’s a smorgasbord of colorful characters you don’t want to miss.

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S02E10 – The Greatest American Hero (1981) – S03E10 – Wizards and Warlocks

We left it up to listeners to guide us to the most improved THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO episode ever, and what can I say? They rolled a natural 20 and crushed the skill check. The show writers had a lot of thoughts on Dungeons and Dragons, Satanic Panics, the Youth and Their Vidya Games. A lot of hilariously wrong thoughts, but in the best, most entertaining way possible. Grab your giant sand dial, don your best fez, and be sure to draw your destiny card because it’s time to enter the dark, sinister, literally underground world of Wizards and Warlocks!

The Podcast Maneuver - S03E10 – The Last Generation

The voyage of Star Trek: Picard comes to an end. The series had the best of episodes, and the worst of episodes. But Jim and A.Ron say this finale stuck the landing. The return of the entire cast was a good burst of nostalgia and the perfect way to end the show for those diehard Trek Heads. Though the journey may end here for Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Jim and A.Ron speculate on the future storylines of some of these newer characters.

House of the Dragon - S01E10 – The Black Queen

War is coming to Westeros. Queen Rhaenyra does her best to prevent a schism in the kingdom. It’s not easy when your husband is Daemon. Luke doesn’t want to be the Lord of Driftmark, he won’t have to worry about that anymore. It’s the end of the season, but the start of the war. While we wait for season 2 check out the other Bald Move Pulp episodes on all your favorite shows.

The Podcast Maneuver - S02E10 – Farewell – Feedback

The magnetic containment unit experienced core meltdown, and the feedback is smoking. With the madness of this season it’s no surprise your feedback covers the gamut from bad borg face effects to the nonsensical character arc closures. What do we want in season three? A full cast reunion sharing a scene together. We don’t want Patrick Stewart to catch covid, but when else are we going to have the chance to see this?
Hailing frequencies are going dark. We’re not planning Picard Season 3 episode coverage. But if you want to hear us talk about it, consider supporting us to gain access to our premium Off the Clock episodes.