Bald Move Prestige - Almost Famous (2000)

Almost famous is one of those movies that shouldn’t feel as real as it does. It’s an outrageous story about a teenaged musical critic who goes on tour with an up and coming rock band in the 1970s and accidentally finds himself writing the cover story for Rolling Stone. Totally relatable, right? Well, turns out it’s a semi-autobiographical depiction of the writer / director Cameron Crowe’s childhood, who spent his formative years touring with the likes of Skynyrd and Zeppelin as a music critic. You have to wonder how deep the similarities go when you see some of the stuff that happens in the movie, but it’s immensely enjoyable and the soundtrack is fantastic. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on Almost Famous.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Welcome to the 15th anniversary podcast for The Devil Wears Prada. It’s not exactly my kind of movie but we missed the 10th anniversary and we know that a lot of our audience loves this movie so we checked it out. 15 years on, it seems like a bit of a mixed bag. The personal story of escaping a life that you never wanted in the first place is inspiring, but the way the movie treats the fashion industry at large left us fairly consternated.

Phantom Thread (2017)

I was honestly nervous about this one. It’s supposedly going to be Daniel Day-Lewis’ final film and I’d heard mixed reviews before checking it out. It’s also a movie about the stuffiest of dressmakers which is paced very… precisely. However, thanks mostly to a few incredible performances, it held my interest long enough to get to the moments that set this movie apart. There are some serious spoilers for those moments though so watch the movie, then come back and give our podcast a listen if you’re so inclined.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)

Thanks to epicmouthful for commissioning the podcast for Terry Gilliam’s “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”. It’s absurd and hilarious, it’s got something to say, but above all else, it’s imaginative. I think that’s the highest compliment you could pay to the co-writer and director of this film as Gilliam brings his “Trilogy of Imagination” to a close. Join us for the podcast to hear our full review.

The Bourne Identity (2002)

This week on Bald Move Prestige, we’re covering a pivotal action-thriller that redefined the scope of action movies for years to come. That’s right, it’s The Bourne Identity starring Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles, and Clive Owen.