For All Mankind - S03E04 – Happy Valley

Yo-ho, yo-ho, it’s a pirate’s life For All Mankind. Raise the mast and hoist the solar wind sails, we’re going to Mars! Will this race to Mars expose Russian spies and give rise to international tensions back home? Or will it all end in a friendly declaration of multi-ownership topped off with a round of hugs? Whoever gets there first has a big decision to make. But the real question, will wily cables be the downfall of the space race?

Department of Homelander Security - S03E07 – Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed

What happens when you cross demented nursery rhymes and Empire Strikes Back? This episode of The Boys. With the members of the show living out different plot lines, it doesn’t quite feel like the boys are back in town. But that doesn’t stop the classic “Boys” antics of beating the living daylights out of each other. We’re seeing great characterization of Soldier Boy and the not so great use of the “Chris Pratt calming right hand” technique and we’re asking you to stop.

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries – Feedback

How do you know what’s real on this show? Who do you believe? But what we do know, the practical knowledge of Westworld is paying off and people are protecting their precious food from packs of raccoons. If we could have a philosopher chime in on the free will vs. predestination thoughts, that would be great. Unless…we’re all already in a simulation and the point is moot.
Got feedback? Do you have proof we’re in a simulation? Send us a message at

For All Mankind - S03E01-3 – Feedback

We’re discussing feedback for episodes 1-3 of season 3 of For All Mankind. Let us know what we missed, what we got wrong, and bring on those alternate future theories. Jim’s got an interesting one for you: did Yoko Ono kill the inventor of the pop-top can? And yes, there is a tiny bit of evidence to maybe support it. Let us know if you have even more to say about the unintentional villain of the series; the cables!
Got feedback? Send us a message at

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries

You know that fly that’s hanging out on your wall? Yeah, it’s out to get you. Before your eyes cross reading all those theories on Reddit, check out this episode of Watching Westworld as we gear up for watching the rest of season 4! Where do you stand on what makes a human? And listen to the fun facts A.Ron found on the Internet.


The Offer, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, The Orville, Downton Abbey: A New Era

Listener beware, there be SPOILERS ahead.
Jim’s been blacked out from an episode of The Offer, so he’s probably in a rival family. We want to reach out to Burt Reynolds and console him personally over the bad casting of him in The Offer. Episodic Star Trek is what we needed and A.Ron has some strong opinions on the goings on at the Abbey.
From high-ish brow to junk food entertainment, we’re covering the gamut on this episode of OTC.


Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries – Instant Take

The season opener sets up a lot of interesting questions about how things have changed in the 7+ years since the end of season 3 and, in true Westworld fashion, who is who and what is real. Join us for our first impressions in the “Instant Take”, recorded minutes after watching the episode. And enjoy the subsequent Q&A “Instant Talk” portion of the show if you’re a Club Bald Move member.