
Quit Yer Pitchin’ – S04E01

This is a podcast where Jim and I, using tools created for the purpose, randomly generate a title for a fictional TV show. We then pitch ideas to each other based on what that show would be like if it were real. We like to call it, “Quit Yer Pitchin’!”

Bald Move Prestige - Superbowl 52: Eagles vs Patriots

In a gutsy, unorthodox call, Commissioner Dustin selected Superbowl 52 as the subject for a podcast. Since Jim has a well known antipathy towards all things sports related, and with the Commish’s permission, I tapped my buddy Jesse from the WHY IS MR. FEENY A CAR?! podcast to be my second string podcast host. We watched the game together, and then got together to talk FOOTBALL! Warning to all my friends from Boston and the greater New England area. Please don’t listen to this podcast. We both loath the Patriots franchise and take just so many shots at the team, it’s ownership, coaching staff, and most beloved players. There is nothing for you here. For all other NFL fans come on in, I’m sure you’ll find something to like!

Schindler’s List (1993)

Liam Neeson stars as Oskar Schindler, a Nazi party member and war profiteer who goes to Krakow, Poland to find cheap Jewish labor. Steven Spielberg strips down his usual directing style to deliver a documentary-like narrative of the fight for survival of the Jewish people. This episode isn’t just a review, get a dose of history and behind the scenes filmmaking in the creation of this movie.

The Last of Us - S01E03 – Long, Long Time

As if a zombie apocalypse wasn’t enough, the characters of The Last of Us need to learn to navigate emotionally stunted relationships, too. Jim and A.Ron explore Billville with everyone’s favorite sad-man, Nick Offerman. Get your usual coverage of The Last of Us along with a dose of good and bad news in The Last of Us universe.