Bald Move Prestige - A Cure for Wellness (2017)

A.Ron and Jim saw A Cure for Wellness, the ambitious but ultimately flawed psychological horror film by Gore Verbinski. It’s got a lot of things going for it; a spectacular and committed cast (Mia Goth, Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs), great visuals, disturbing imagery galore, yet manages to build very little suspense and ultimately leads up to exactly what you think it will 30 minutes into the film. Ultimately, we can’t recommend this film, although we think it was a worthy film making attempt. After discussing our brief non-spoiler thoughts on the movie, we discuss the trailers we saw before the feature, and then break down the twists of the film, such as they are, in the Club Bald Move exclusive spoiler section.

Bald Move Pulp - John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen John Wick: Chapter Two, and proclaim it “more of the same”, and we mean that as a compliment. There’s still some shaky plotting when the action dies down, but thankfully that only happens for five, maybe ten minutes tops and then it’s back to headshots and stabbing galore. This film’s body count is astronomical, and if you can’t find some sort of grim humor in Keanu butchering men and women like so much cattle, then this isn’t the film for you. But you probably already knew that. Also! We discuss trailers for upcoming films, then get super spoilery about Mr. Wick, but that’s an exclusive feature for Club Members Only!

Bald Move Pulp - Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Congratulations to Nick Wilson, winner of one of two official “Bald Move Fantasy Football Leagues” that our forums play host to. His grand prize was a commissioned podcast, which we are pleased to present during Superbowl week. Nick picked a real crowd pleaser, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Featuring ground breaking special effects, a sci-fi plot that doesn’t give two craps about causality, and Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of his powers, the movie delivers the action goods, and then some. We discuss time travel, great movie villains, where this movie stacks up in the pantheon of sequels, and much more.

Bald Move Prestige - Gold (2017)

Jim and A.Ron give their thoughts on a terrible, no good, boring film starring Matthew McConaughey, Bryce Dallas Howard, Édgar Ramírez and directed by Stephen Gaghan; Gold. It’s the definition of a mediocre film that half-asses themes that much better films have done very recently, including The Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, and The Big Short. We also discuss the upcoming lineup of first run Bald Movies, before getting to the Club only spoiler section. See you in a few weeks for John Wick 2!

The Dark Knight (2008)

Special thanks to a bunch of Aron’s gaming buddies, namely Hobbsam, CLUSTER_F, SheIsGeeky, TONYDETH, Jormagund, and Meatplow77 for coming together to commission perhaps the greatest superhero movie of all time, Batman: The Dark Knight. Featuring a Heath Ledger performance that won him a posthumous Oscar, this film has a unique blend of superb writing and direction, dazzling action, well grounded performance, and just enough heart to make it a modern classic. Jim and A.Ron talk about the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy in general, and the Batman himself before lavishing praise upon the film, and of course, poking around for the few problems the film has.

Direct - Wes Anderson – Moonrise Kingdom

We can’t offer you a legally binding podcast. It won’t hold up in the state, the county, or frankly, any courtroom in the world, due to age, lack of a license, and failure to get parental consent. But this ritual does carry a very important moral weight within yourselves. You can’t enter into the contract lightly. Look into our eyes. Do you love Direct?