
The Holiday (2006)

Welcome to the first Christmas movie of the 2020 holiday season, The Holiday! It features some major starpower, the likes of Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, and Jack Black. Yes, it’s a romantic comedy but you knew we had to do one eventually. There are just SO MANY rom-com Christmas movies out there and we can’t cover JUST the badass classics like Die Hard and Rocky IV! And if there was ever a season for variety, this is the one. COVID has been hard on all of us, so join us for this mostly-wholesome, very sappy, but also highly-enjoyable holiday treat.

Misery (1990) – 30th Anniversary

Over the years there have been many film adaptations of Stephen King’s work. Today we’re covering one of the finest. Starring Kathy Bates and James Caan, Misery is the story of fandom gone wrong. Or maybe it’s an allegory for over-zealous editors. Or it could be an author’s struggle with drug addiction and the backlash from fans when their writing ventures beyond a specific genre. Join us on the podcast as we debate this question and discuss what makes Misery so great.

Labyrinth (1986)

What comes to mind when you think of the movie “Labyrinth”? If you were a young girl coming of age in the mid 80s, you probably remember the raw emo sexuality of David Bowie awakening something within you or the hero’s journey told from the female perspective. If you’re Jim you remember a ton of early internet memes centered on David Bowie’s bulge that eventually lead you to watching this bizarrely creative Jim Henson masterpiece. Either way, there’s something for everyone to love in this movie, and hopefully in the podcast we produced for Kevin and Courtney’s commission.

Casino (1995)

This might be the last time they let street guys like us handle any podcasts this valuable. We’ve had a good run of Scorsese films this year (Goodfellas, The Irishman, The Wolf of Wall Street) but there’s only so much gas is in the Scorsese tank. We canceled our Raging Bull 40th anniversary podcast because we just couldn’t fit it in. Jim’s pumping the breaks on reviewing any more gangster films in the near future. Are we running out of steam? Getting sloppy? I sure hope not because that’s when you make mistakes. That’s when you get whacked.

Join us for a little over an hour of discussion of Scorsese’s 1995 classic Las Vegas gangster film, Casino.

Bald Move Pulp - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Looks like The Lord of the Rings is back on the menu, boys! It’s another LotR mega-pod and this time you have epic mouthful to thank. This time we’re covering the rough middle ground of the epic saga, The Two Towers. While it is our least favorite of the LotR movies, that’s not to say that it’s bad. Actually, it’s very good. We take this opportunity to run down our favorite moments, thoughts on the storytelling, differences between the extended and theatrical versions as well as the books, and all the behind-the-scenes details we can get our hands on.

The Professional (1994)

Bald Move Prestige is where the best of the best come to shine. In the Prestige podcast, we talk about serious dramas, excellence in filmmaking, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Prestige doesn’t cover sci-fi, but if that is your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Pulp.

Gattaca (1997)

What are the answers to the challenging questioned raised by the possibility of genetic selection? Who should decide whether it’s legal and to what ends it’s employed? What is Jude Law hiding by not showing full frontal on screen? These are just some of the questions we attempt to answer as we consider Andrew Niccol’s 1997 genetic dystopia movie, Gattaca.

A big thank you to Josh H for commissioning this podcast!

Les Miserables (2012)

Thanks to Michelle from Cali for this commission! The Master of the House made us laugh, Russell Crowe’s voice made us cry, and now we’re here to talk all about the 2012 adaptation of famous stageplay , which itself was based on the 1862 Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables.