American Horror Story Podcast - 607 – Chapter 7

Cecily and A.Ron think that AHS season six is really bringing the scares, even if the plot and characters are still as dubious as Polk Farm Sausage. Swinging for the fences, Murphy and Co. bring a lot of death, dismemberment, and dead Mott to the proceedings, but that’s not all. Thrill to Cuba embracing the darkside, chill to Matt falling to the charms of a shrieking bear monster woman, and giggle as characters film their own demise for really no damn good reason at all! Is this the Halloween episode, or is it next week? Who knows, but we’ll see you in seven!

American Horror Story Podcast - 606 – Chapter 6

A.Ron and Cecily got plenty of chills and thrills in what can only be called the best episode of the season for FX’s American Horror Story. And sure, that might be considered damning the show with faint praise, but that Pigman and Nurse killing action was LEGIT frightening. The pivot from pointless homage to genuine horror had us hungry for more. What’s going on with Agnus? Who will be this season’s lone survivor? Will Sarah Paulson out scream Evan Peters? Stay tuned to find out!

American Horror Story Podcast - 605 – Chapter 5

A.Ron and Cecily are thoroughly entertained by the latest installment of FX’s American Horror Story: Roanoke, “Chapter 5”. Full of gore, creepy thrills, and Evan Peter’s screaming, it’s a nice way to close the door on this hit and miss homage phase of the season, and hopefully move forward with a crazy season proper. We’ll see if we get filet mignon or chicken liver.

American Horror Story Podcast - 604 – Chapter 4

It’s fitting that the worst, most disjointed American Horror Story episode (thus far!) from the “My Roanoke Nightmare” season would be an homage to the worst, most disjointed season of AHS of all time. But still, we can’t help but look forward to episode six when Murphy and company have promised this season is going to go bonkers on us. Until then, we’re having fun trying to wrap our heads around the bizarre decisions these terrible people are making, squirming at some of the inventive torture murders on display, and trying out the latest Cathy Bates accents. One more week of homage until the hammer drops! See you then.

American Horror Story Podcast - 603 – Chapter 3

A.Ron and Cecily are a bit divided on their opinion on “Chapter 3” of FX’s American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare, with A.Ron really digging Cricket’s psychic connection with the former inhabitants of the lost colony of Roanoke, and Cecily impatient to get to the true fire Murphy is promising for later in the season. Also, lots of pigs, and it turns out? Shelby is the WORST. All this and a bunch of feedback from you fellow fans coming right up!

American Horror Story Podcast - 601 – Chapter 1

A.Ron and Cecily take a peek at the super-mysterious season six of FX’s American Horror Story, which turns out to take the form of “My Roanoke Nightmare”. We break down all of the Juicy goodness on hand, give valuable life advice on how to survive car accidents and hot tub death traps, and discuss fair market value of real estate before considering lots our fellow fan’s observations and insights. How long can the show push it’s weird show within a show format? Stay tuned, and find out.

American Horror Story Podcast - 511 – Battle Royale

A.Ron and Cecily take in the penultimate episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, and it’s pretty good! Sure, there are some muddy character beats, and daffy concepts of glampire physiology, but that ain’t anything new. On the other hand, we got Iris building Donnovan sand castles in the sky, Liz drawwwwingggg out allllll of thing thiiiiings, Ramona chewing on the scenery and our favorite voodoo priestess, Queenie, and much more. All this, some stellar feedback, and an epic Ode to the Countess! See you next week for the finale!

American Horror Story Podcast - 510 – She Gets Revenge

You guys! LIZ AND IRIS 2016!! Cecily and A.Ron really had a lot of fun with the latest episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “She Gets Revenge”. We ponder the afterlife of glampires, our irrational love of “HOTLINEBLING”, the perils of bringing a sword to a gun fight, heartwarming reunions that will probably sour after the break, and tons of email including more background info from our undercover Hollywood informant “Deep Throat” before we wish ya’ll a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2016!