The Rings of Power - S01E01 – A Shadow of the Past

A.Rondir and Jimafell are joining the fray against the spreading darkness of the Second Age. With gorgeous shots of a younger Middle-Earth and lore up to your eyeballs, we are pleased with this half a billion dollar show. Evil encroaches, romance blooms, and did we mention this show is beautiful?! Are you gonna be a rock and miss out, or are you going to be a boat and watch this show with us?

House of the Dragon - S01E01 – The Heirs of the Dragon – Feedback

Princess A.Ron and Lady of the Court Jim are awarding worthy feedback with their favor. Wondering what happens to towns when flying dragons relieve themselves over their roofs? And listen in on the very first Maester’s Corner, a new segment premiering in this episode! Join us to laugh, question, and speculate on the newly born, or ripped out, House of the Dragon.

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries – Feedback

How do you know what’s real on this show? Who do you believe? But what we do know, the practical knowledge of Westworld is paying off and people are protecting their precious food from packs of raccoons. If we could have a philosopher chime in on the free will vs. predestination thoughts, that would be great. Unless…we’re all already in a simulation and the point is moot.
Got feedback? Do you have proof we’re in a simulation? Send us a message at

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries

You know that fly that’s hanging out on your wall? Yeah, it’s out to get you. Before your eyes cross reading all those theories on Reddit, check out this episode of Watching Westworld as we gear up for watching the rest of season 4! Where do you stand on what makes a human? And listen to the fun facts A.Ron found on the Internet.