Southpaw (2015)

A big thank you to Dr. DeVito for commissioning Southpaw, the 2015 boxing movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a Raging Bull-type who just can’t get out of his own way while recovering from a traumatic accident. If you’ve seen any boxing movie ever made, you’ve seen some portion of this movie, as it borrows every trope you can think of. It does manage to deliver the emotional punches though, due mostly to the excellent cast.

Bald Move Prestige - Almost Famous (2000)

Almost famous is one of those movies that shouldn’t feel as real as it does. It’s an outrageous story about a teenaged musical critic who goes on tour with an up and coming rock band in the 1970s and accidentally finds himself writing the cover story for Rolling Stone. Totally relatable, right? Well, turns out it’s a semi-autobiographical depiction of the writer / director Cameron Crowe’s childhood, who spent his formative years touring with the likes of Skynyrd and Zeppelin as a music critic. You have to wonder how deep the similarities go when you see some of the stuff that happens in the movie, but it’s immensely enjoyable and the soundtrack is fantastic. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on Almost Famous.

Bald Move Pulp - Predator (1987)

A big, Arnold-sized shout out to epicmouthful for commissioning the Predator podcast. It might just be the perfect action movie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers muscling their way through the jungle, toting vehicle-caliber weapons, trying to kill the alien that is hunting them. What else do you really need to say? Well, we talk for over an hour about it so if there is anything else, we probably say it.

You can get your very own custom commissioned podcast by visiting

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)

Thanks to epicmouthful for commissioning the podcast for Terry Gilliam’s “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”. It’s absurd and hilarious, it’s got something to say, but above all else, it’s imaginative. I think that’s the highest compliment you could pay to the co-writer and director of this film as Gilliam brings his “Trilogy of Imagination” to a close. Join us for the podcast to hear our full review.

Gran Torino (2008)

At it’s heart, Gran Torino is about an old, set-in-his-ways (racist) war veteran realizing that he has more in common with the hardworking, honest Asian family next door than he does with his own spoiled American family. The trouble is, the guy is just so damned racist that it’s hard to get comfortable with him. And even when his opinion of the family next door changes, the offensive language he uses to describe them doesn’t. Gran Torino is a tough movie to talk about.

Win Win (2011)

Join us for a discussion about teenage trauma and angst filtered through Bobby Cannavale playing an accidental pedo and Paul Giamatti getting pile drived into the grass by a 15 year old. Thanks again to Dave from California for commissioning this podcast.

Bald Move Pulp - World of Tomorrow (2015)

When we were commissioned to cover Don Hertzfeldt’s World of Tomorrow shorts, we weren’t sure if we’d even do it. Animated shorts aren’t usually our thing. We made an exception since they’re science fiction and it turns out that was the right call. World of Tomorrow is an excellent mediation on our lives and how we lead them through the lens of a future version of a girl named Emily and a clone of a man named David. Join us for far-reaching and interesting conversation about what it all means.

Thanks again to Grant for commissioning this project. You can get your very own custom commissioned podcast by visiting

Tombstone (1993)

Gather round the campfire to hear us tell the tale of the gunfight at the box office corral where Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell dueled to settle which of them could create the better Wyatt Earp film. Though Costner started with his hand on the script, it was the faster, wilier Russell who prevailed in the end, buying up all the cowboy gear in Hollywood and raking in the dough while Costner’s “Wyatt Earp” lay dead in the street.

Seriously, that’s exactly how it happened. The production of Tombstone is a tale for the ages and we’re here to tell it. Join us on the podcast. It’s a good one!

Thanks again to Brent for this fantastic commission, without which I never would have gotten around to watching this classic western.