Bald Move Pulp - The Goonies (1985)

Special thanks to Fernando Rodriguez, who commissioned the 1985 classic kid’s adventure movie, “The Goonies”. Directed by Richard Donner with a script by Chris Columbus, this movie really brings us back to our child hood days, which leads to us spending time fondly reminiscing about the film and growing up, and of course obsessively picking nits and busting “The Goonies” balls. Which of course, is our mothers’ favorite part. Stay tuned til the end as we invite a surprise guest to give their opinions as well!

Bald Move Pulp - Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Captain America: Civil War, and they really, really liked what they saw. It was fun, weighty, maybe a bit long with the usual seeming plot holes (which comic fans can probably fill), but nothing that comes close to threatening to stop the runaway hype train that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We give you a fairly detailed non-spoiler review, before considering the many highly entertaining trailers that ran up front, and then finally, getting around to our no holds barred spoiler section. You’ll have to be a Club member to get the spoiler take, and read on to find out how you can sign up!

Bald Move Pulp - Back to the Future (1985)

Special thanks goes to Alafia McMurty for commissioning a podcast on the 1985 sci-fi comedy classic, “Back to the Future”. Starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, we’ve seen this movie a million times and love every second. Please enjoy the following mammoth podcast that covers nearly every aspect of the film, from the absurd to the poignant to the sublime.

Bald Move Pulp - Hardcore Henry (2016)

The Russian import “Hardcore Henry”, directed by Ilya Naishuller and starring Sharlto Copley and Haley Bennett, is either some brilliant, imaginative, humorous, over the top action flick, or it is an over-long, boring, tedious, graphic waste of time that may or may not make you physically ill. Or maybe it’s both? Jim and A.Ron debate the film’s merits accordingly.

Bald Move Pulp - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

We review Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. We didn’t like it. If you did, I’m really happy for you, but I’d recommend skipping the podcast because we’re going to sound like Lex Luthor explaining Greek history, which is to say utterly deranged and insane. Enjoy our spoiler-free review and very brief discussion of the trailers we saw before tonight’s main event, but if you want the whole spoiler-filled take down of DC’s risible attempt to launch a multi-movie franchise, you’ll need to join the Club.

The Princess Bride (1987)

This was a long time coming. Jim has avoided seeing this movie for going on 30 years. Today, he has no where to run, no where to hide. He’s locked in a steel cage match with “The Princess Bride”, directed by Rob Reiner and based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman. Confronted by the beautiful faces of Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, the absurdist comedy of Miracle Max, how will he react to this crazy mashup of farce, swashbuckling, and heart?

Special thanks to Zan from Melbourne, Barry C from the UK, Allicyn Wilde, Robot-K, Brian S, John H, Stefan G, Mark S, Denise T, Lesley W, Jay R, Ryan L, S Duncan, Geoffry B, pmmonnat, and WeezerWes for banding together and storming the castle.

Bald Move Pulp - 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Jim and A.Ron took in the psychological thriller “10 Cloverfield Lane”, and have a lot to say about the performances, the plot, and the trailers previewing movies we may or may not be interested in. The movie is directed by talented rookie Dan Trachtenberg, and stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, and John Gallagher Jr, and is being called the “spiritual successor” to the original J.J. Abrams joint, “Cloverfield”, whatever the hell that means. Everyone can enjoy the non-spoiler reviews, but you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move member to hear the full podcast. We’ll be back in two weeks for the potential blockbuster/turd “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”!

Bald Move Pulp - Deadpool (2016)

Jim and A.Ron saw the latest kinda-sorta-Marvel movie, “Deadpool”, and found it defied their expectations. Rather pleasantly so. What we were expecting is some kind of Dumpuary disaster, and what we got was a slick, action packed, very hard “R”, very funny send up of the super hero genre. If you like movies in the “Cranked” franchise, or the latest “Kingsmen” flick, you’ll be right at home. If you want our general thoughts and opinions, as well as what we’re excited for in the “coming soon” trailers, you are welcome to help yourself, but we save the spoiler-filled deep dive for Bald Move Club members only!

The Fifth Element (1997)

Special thanks once again to Aaron Spaulding, who for his double commission feature selected the wonderful, weird, and fully preposterous Luc Besson joint “The Fifth Element”, of which Jim and I are very familiar with. We delve into the depths of Jim’s annoyance with Ruby, while A.Ron explains how he quit worrying and learned to love the Rodd, Besson’s partly crazy, partly insightful look into life in the 24th century, and spend quite a bit of time analyzing the lead actors Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman.

Bald Move Pulp - Teeth (2007)

Special thanks to podcast commissioner Julie Webster for pulling the trigger on the Mitchell Lichtenstein film, “Teeth”, starring Jess Weixler. It is a frequently funny, sometimes creepy, yet often insightful look at the mythology behind vagina dentata, or “toothed vagina”. This movie has severed peen for days, ya’ll. They guys spend the better part of an awkward hour discussing the film and related topics, hope you enjoy