Bald Move Pulp - Who Won the Week?!

Jim and A.Ron begin by discussing the Netflix reboot of the classic Mystery Science Theater 3000 (00:00:10), before debating Who Won the Week? (00:10:31) A real nail biter, this time, as Fargo, The Leftovers, and Better Call Saul all brought the thunder. Plus! Bonus discussion on the season premier of HBO’s Silicon Valley. (00:16:46)

Bald Move Pulp - Breaking Bad: The Movie

Shayne Bowman from Film Schlubs and Heisenberg Chronicals fame as well as Eric Wahlquist of Personal Arrogants and Direct infamy join A.Ron to discuss the pro/fan edit of Breaking Bad that was dropped on the Internet last week. It reduces one of the greatest television shows in history to a single two hour long movie. What works, what doesn’t, how we’d do it better, and much more are covered. Spoilers for everything Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, you’ve been warned!

Bald Move Pulp - Kong: Skull Island (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the majestic Kong: Skull Island, and are… not underwhelmed. Not overwhelmed, certainly. I’d say we were properly whelmed. This is an expensive, state of the art monster movie, and delivers the goods that you were expecting. Unfortunately, 90% of its best moments are captured perfectly by the movie’s trailer, which is a shame, and maybe we shouldn’t judge it for that, but there it is. We also break down a few trailers for upcoming movies as is our wont, but if you want to hear Kong-sized spoilers about Skull Crawlers and giant Stick Bugs, you’re going to have to be a Club Bald Move member.

Bald Move Pulp - Logan (2017)

Jim and A.Ron are very impressed with the swan song for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in Logan.  It’s a great film, nevermind a great comic book movie, drawing on our long history with the tortured Wolverine and Patrick Stewart’s equally iconic Charles Xavier to generate real emotion as these men struggle at the end of their days.…

Bald Move Pulp - Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Sean Ray is back with the second half of his two part Insidious series, this time for Insidious: Chapter 2. Once again James Wan helms another scary story starring Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne, with a bigger budget, a clever plot that builds on everything from the first installment, to deliver arguably a more frightening experience with even more emotional heart.