Bald Move Prestige - The Deer Hunter (1978)

Special thanks and shout out to Nikki P. for commissioning this podcast, on the 1978 Oscar winning film by director Michael Cimino, “The Deer Hunter”. Starring screen legends Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, and Christopher Walken, it is a tale about men coming of age, loss, heartbreak, and the horrors of war. In other words, this is not light watching. Jim and A.Ron take turns spinning the cylinder and pulling the trigger as we unpack our thoughts and feelings about the experience. Thanks again, Nikki! If you want to get in on the commission podcast action, why not stop by our shop and find out all about it?

Bald Move Prestige - A History of Violence (2005)

Special thanks to Keith Alejandro who pulled the trigger on this Commissioned Podcast, covering the 2005 David Cronenberg directed thriller, “A History of Violence”, starring everyone’s favorite ranger, Viggo Mortensen. Jim and A.Ron talk about the multiple meanings of the title, the human capacity for violence, survival of the fittest, the strong’s societal obligation to the weak, and how sea turtles make surprisingly effective, though extremely cruel, living refrigerators.

Bald Move Prestige - The Big Lebowski (1998)

This podcast was commissioned by Michael Johnston for his main main Dave in Philly, and what a podcast it is.  Jim and I have the sheer delight of watching the sublime Coen Brothers’ 1998 film, The Big Lebowski.  One of the forerunners of the “slacker noir” genre, Lebowski is hugely entertaining and surprisingly deep film.  We talk about Jeff Bridges magic, new shit coming to light, try to figure out Maude, gush about the late, great, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, the downfall of bowling, and much, much more.

The Imitation Game (2014)

This podcast for 2014’s “The Imitation Game” was commissioned on Subbable by a shadowy MI6 agent who for reasons of operational security, would prefer to remain anonymous.  We have seen the film, and we have very mixed feelings about it.  On the one hand, it is an artistic and emotional triumph, which really helped us empathize with Alan Turing’s life long struggle as a brilliant autistic homosexual man to be accepted and loved as he led the Allied war effort to break the “unbreakable” Nazi Enigma encryption system and save millions of lives.  On the other hand, the film takes so many personal and historical liberties with Turing’s very real life and the very real Project Ultra that we don’t know what to believe.

Bald Move Prestige - Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Super fan Keith Fisher commissioned this podcast on Subbable as a Christmas present for his lovely wife, as it is one of her all time favorite movies.  I feel like I’m sliding a large lump of coal down her stocking (hey now!) because it was not Jim and I’s favorite movie.  But still, we gave it the Bald Move treatment!  Are you in the mood for a heartwarming story of a megalomaniac orphan spiritually and emotionally enslaved by a shut in old couple, as she seeks death in ever more creative ways while lashing out in rages against old ladies and class clowns?  As if this tale weren’t already dark enough, how will this sleepy Canadian community deal with the pedophilic school teacher in their midst?  Will Matthew’s old heart be able to take it?! (Spoiler alert: It will not.)  So, Merry Christmas, Keith’s wife!  Put down the chalk board and climb down from the roof’s edge, I’m sure the rest of your presents will be better…

Bald Move Prestige - The Godfather: Part II (1974)

Jim and A.Ron do another deep dive into the world of Coppola’s The Godfather, this time looking at Part II, which celebrates it’s 40th anniversary tomorrow.  A darker, more brooding, more intricate film that it’s predecessor, we struggle to answer the question, which is better?  Along the way we play a lot of what if’s and comparisons.  Clemenza or Pentangeli?  Vito or Michael?  Brando or De Niro? When did Vito decide to be the Don? What is Tom and Michael’s relationship at the end?  Where did Michael go wrong?  DID Michael go wrong?  All this and much more is contemplated in this mammoth two hour podcast, for your holiday enjoyment.  Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording it.

Bald Move Prestige - Barton Fink (1991)

Thanks to überfan Anthony Basich who used our Subbable subscription site to commission a personal podcast, for one of his favorite films, the 1991 Coen Brothers film, “Barton Fink”. Jim and A.Ron talk about the occasionally dark, occasionally funny, very deep and dreamy, take on the creative process, the Hollywood establishment, the rise of national socialism, the dangers of homoerotic suppression, an expose of ghostwriters, and wait–what the hell?  What is this film, anyway?  Jim and A.Ron grapple with these issues and more.

Bald Move Prestige - Quills (2000)

Special thanks to Karolina Ljungström, who decided to have us take on one of her favorite films, “Quills”.  “Quills” was released in 2000, and was directed by Phillip Kaufman, and starred Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Caine, and Stephen Moyer.  It is a period piece loosely set around the last years of the Marquis de Sade as he languishes in a French asylum for the insane. The film has Jim and A.Ron pondering the role of art in society, how the life choices and artist makes influences how we feel about art, and how madness and genius are related.

Bald Move Prestige - Run Lola Run (1998)

Hey guys and gals, we have another commissioned podcast, this time from fellow fan Stig Ove Pederson, for the German film, “Lola Rennt”, perhaps better known to english speakers as “Run Lola Run”.  A break out hit for both star Franka Potente (“The Bourne Identity”, “The Shield”, “The Bridge”) and director Tom Tykwer (“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”, “Cloud Atlas”), the movie has a kinetic style, compelling action, and raises questions about causality, determinism, and free will.