The Professional (1994)

Bald Move Prestige is where the best of the best come to shine. In the Prestige podcast, we talk about serious dramas, excellence in filmmaking, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Prestige doesn’t cover sci-fi, but if that is your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Pulp.

Les Miserables (2012)

Thanks to Michelle from Cali for this commission! The Master of the House made us laugh, Russell Crowe’s voice made us cry, and now we’re here to talk all about the 2012 adaptation of famous stageplay , which itself was based on the 1862 Victor Hugo classic, Les Miserables.

Goodfellas (1990)

It’s the 30th Anniversary of the gangster classic, Goodfellas. Martin Scorsese has a long history making gangster movies. We covered his latest one, The Irishman, already but now we’re going back to cover his most famous one. It’s a wild ride, beginning with the Marty insight into the allure of the criminal underworld that you’ve come to expect and culminating in one of the all-time great scenes of chaos and paranoia. Check out the podcast to hear what we thought about it thirty years later.

The Lighthouse (2019)

After directing The Witch, one of the most unsettling horror movies of the last decade, Robert Eggers has done it again with The Lighthouse, a film that defies description. Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson both deliver astounding performances in this largely underrated tale about two lighthouse attendants (“wickies”) who have to make the best of a bad situation. Join us on the podcast, preferably after you’ve seen the movie, for the full discussion.

The Hustler (1961)

Today we’re talking 1961’s The Hustler, which might just be the greatest movie about the game of pool that has ever been made. Starring Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, and George C. Scott, it’s a tale of an up-and-coming pool hustler trying to make it big but, more importantly, it’s the story of a man trying to figure out what makes a person a “winner”.