Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - Season 11B Wrapup

In this world of zombies, turns out nearly everyone is safe. With multiple spinoff series announced, there’s no need to fear for the lives of the main characters anymore. Unless…the spinoff series are a ploy and everyone dies?! Pick your side of the conspiracy. Join us as we wrap up what can best be described as not the worst season, but definitely not the best season of The Walking Dead. 

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Electric Bookaloo: Season 2 Wrap

Anthony chats about race/ethnicity with Arthur Njamfa. What does it mean that Arya looks northern? A.Ron and Anthony talk about their favorite Three Right Turns episodes. Steve chimes in on the war of five spinoff shows and answers listener feedback. Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion:  |…

The Expanse - Season 5 Wrapup

We’re back for one final episode in this season to consider some questions that A.Ron has as well as thoughts and questions from the audience. Don’t forget to join us for our Sci-Fi Sunday watch parties at every Sunday night at 8pm EST and we’ll see you next season!

Fargo - Season 4 Wrapup

Season four is in the bag, but we’re not exactly in the bag for season four. We join up with our listeners on this feedback-filled wrapup to hash out our feelings on this season of Fargo once and for all. We’ll be back if Fargo comes back for another season, and in the meantime maybe check out our Bald Move Prestige podcast for all the well-dressed, respectful content we produce, unlike that lowbrow stuff we get up to over in the Bald Move Pulp podcast!

Watching Westworld - Season 3 Wrapup

For our wrapup, we’re joined by Kim Renfro of Insider to consider some of the major questions we have coming out of the latest season. She’s been following Westworld more closely than perhaps anyone else on the planet, so there’s no one more qualified. Hope to see you again next season! Join the discussion:  Email…

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Series Wrap Up

We come here to say goodbye to Game of Thrones. While we’re still going to get to play around in this universe courtesy HBO’s numerous prequels, sequels, and spin-offs planned, and of course George’s assurances that he’s still writing, we’re not going to get any more of this particular take on the story. How do we feel about this? Does The Last Watch documentary change those feelings? We discuss these and more before getting the final words from feedback. We’ll see you all for “Fire & Blood” and the prequels!