Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Special thanks to Josh “Anubus21” Wilson for the conclusion of his three podcast trilogy (previously Screamers and PCU), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.  Arguably the greatest Trek film of all time, and featuring the unquestionably greatest Trek movie villain, Wrath holds up like a champ.  Featuring terrifying ear worms, a broad range of quality Shatnerian acting, Chekov screaming, and Ricardo Montalbán’s impressive old man chest, we try to look at the film through both critical and nostalgic lenses.

Bald Move Pulp - Star Trek: Beyond (2016)

Jim’s on vacation, so filling in his spot is Cecily, A.Ron’s co-host on the American Horror Story Podcast, True Blood Authority, Penny Earful, and life. A.Ron approaches the film from the perspective of a life long Trek fan, Cecily approaches it more from the casual fan perspective, but both are in agreement that this installment of Trek can best be described as “mediocre”.