For All Mankind - S03E01 – Polaris

Take a peek into our alternative past, present, and future in the return of For All Mankind. The season is bringing new relationships and piling on the family drama. Are we going to get another land invasion of Mars? How many more wars do we need to fight?! Witness the first wedding in space…and it’s just as cringey as some weddings down here on earth, but more dangerous. But the economy is soaring, so I would like to live in this reality please.

Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)

We fell for the cast reunion ploy. It drew us in, it’s not our fault we watched this Tyran-atrocious dinosaur movie. The twinkle in Sam Neill’s eye was squashed by the crush of too many species of dinosaurs. And Chris Pratt is now like that cool guy from high school, he already peaked and now he’s just tired. Listen to A.Ron’s impression of Jeff Goldblum when he’s flirting with a woman, there’s nothing like it. Make sure you’re in the club for our next first run movie: Thor: Love and Thunder.

Department of Homelander Security - S03E04 – Glorious Five Year Plan

Homelander is…just the worst. Everyone seems to have some sort of plan, but not telling other people the plan…maybe that’s why it’ll take a whole five years to execute? Butcher is crunching V24 and gearing up for a fight with an opponent that may not be as super as expected. And if you want Jim and A.Ron to believe a character is dead, you better show the corpse. The tools are present to cripple and de-power Homelander, but is it possible?

Dungeons and Demogorgons - Season 4a Wrapup

This season of Stranger Things brought on the 80s nostalgia and lots of great moments. We have opinions, you have feedback, let’s talk about it! Listen in on Vecna theories, relationship analyses, and your hot takes on your favorite (or least favorite) Stranger Things Season 4 moments. We’re now looking forward to a big, shiny bow to tie up this entire journey in the rest of this season and the next.