Maester Class: The Hound’s Cloak
Introducing my new short-form podcast, “Maester Class.” Anthony discusses wedding rituals and does some haphazard Sansa-Sandor shipping.
Introducing my new short-form podcast, “Maester Class.” Anthony discusses wedding rituals and does some haphazard Sansa-Sandor shipping.
We want answers! Congratulations to the writers of Foundation for writing an effective villain, we hate Tellem. Between missing memories and sabotaged tech, Jim and A.Ron have some questions. Who is secretly working against Empire? Is Demerzel a double agent? How could psychohistory account for every little detail?
Was Clem just an idiot this whole time? Just like the rest of the season, this finale had its Elmore Leonard moments. The surprises at the end had Jim and A.Ron pointing at the screen like the Leo DiCaprio meme. Find out what moments were quick on the draw, and which fumbled.
Everything is canon now and you better remember every detail because a lot of it is coming back. There’s extra lightsabers on the wall, a random kind, and more. Join A.Ron and Jim as they sort through the fact and implied truth in the new series Ahsoka. And is this whole season the opening crawl for a Dave Filoni trilogy?? IT BETTER NOT BE.
Want to take a peek into the creative minds of Al and Joe? Here’s your chance to get behind the scenes bonus material for the most recent episode of Rah Rah Riverdale!
Asoka Tano enters swinging her dual lightsabers. She must hunt down some mysterious Sith. Meanwhile, Ahsoka’s Padawan, Sabine, is becoming disillusioned with her master. Sound familiar to you Star Wars: The Clone Wars fans? Jim and A.Ron are hoping Dave Filoni’s remix takes itself less seriously in the coming episodes.
Foundation delivers another episode of great writing and jaw-dropping visuals. Hari’s plans remain a mystery, Demerzel remains a cipher. As characters push and pull each other into different directions, Jim and A.Ron wonder who will be lost to Empire. And there’s another massive cliffhanger as the cherry on top.
Sandy’s life is in danger. The identity of the mole is revealed. Jim recants his opinion on the cop. Carolyn is messing with other people’s cool stuff. Some interesting observations in the feedback. Don’t you dare simp!
There are SPOILERS ahead. Get the scoop on what Jim and A.Ron are watching behind the scenes.
Get the scoop on Foundation from writer and executive producer; David S. Goyer. He joins Jim and A.Ron to chat about theories, listener questions, and behind the scenes stories. Get the answers to your burning questions on Demerzel, casting, ship design, navigating Asimov’s universe, and more! Stay tuned, Goyer reports there are big things to come!