Bald Move Prestige - The Fugitive (1993)

Special thanks to DrKen (previous commissioner of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance) for commissioning this great thriller from the 90’s, The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford as brilliant doctor wrongfully accused of the murder of his wife evading the dogged pursuit of Tommy Lee Jones as U.S. Marshal. This is one of the tightest films you’ll ever see, effortlessly moving from one set piece to another, drawing strength and vitality from the charisma and presence of it’s two brightest stars, achieving the rare balance where you want the protagonist and antagonist to find a way to both win. We have fond memories of this film from our youth, and we found it held up like Ford’s Finger ‘O Doom. Thanks again, DrKen! If you ever have to evade justice, we got a couple of bucks and a bed in the basement for you!

Bald Move Prestige - Jackie Brown (1997)

Special thanks to all our community commissioners for this podcast; Steven Sprague, Spencer H., Libby Ross, dreduble, Cellmouse, Brooks Rittel, betmarik, cocoa2mc, nobrainsallsadness, Martin Karlsson, Eric Brown, rjjone2, and Keith A. This podcast is for the 1997 Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown, which is based on the classic Elmore Leonard novel, Rum Punch. Awfully good bones to build a movie on, then you add an amazing cast featuring Pam Grier, Robert DeNiro, Sam Jackson, Bridget Fonda, Robert Forster, Michael Keaton, among many others, and filter it through a restrained, grounded Tarantino lens, and you get something pretty magical, that was beyond what Jim and I were expecting. Thanks again for treating us to this movie! We hope you enjoy your podcast!

There Will Be Blood (2007)

This Bald Movie Commissioned Podcast is for Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano. It was made possible by the following people, who pooled their funds together to make this community commission possible. Special thanks to Elina V., Ryan Q., Mike M., BritBandicoot, Dcaine68, Latent K, TheWilliam85, Jaimie T., Alex M, Geraud DeL, Dmkolls, and Dplowery. With that said, this movie is incredible. The acting is on another level, the visuals are gorgeous, the story imminently watchable. If you’ve seen the movie, you know how incredibly intimidating drinking milkshakes can be, and if you haven’t, you’ll soon find out.

Bald Move Pulp - Breaking Bad: The Movie

Shayne Bowman from Film Schlubs and Heisenberg Chronicals fame as well as Eric Wahlquist of Personal Arrogants and Direct infamy join A.Ron to discuss the pro/fan edit of Breaking Bad that was dropped on the Internet last week. It reduces one of the greatest television shows in history to a single two hour long movie. What works, what doesn’t, how we’d do it better, and much more are covered. Spoilers for everything Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, you’ve been warned!

Bald Move Pulp - Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Sean Ray is back with the second half of his two part Insidious series, this time for Insidious: Chapter 2. Once again James Wan helms another scary story starring Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne, with a bigger budget, a clever plot that builds on everything from the first installment, to deliver arguably a more frightening experience with even more emotional heart.

Bald Move Pulp - Insidious (2010)

Special thanks once again to Sean Ray (veteran commissioner of Blood Simple) for having us check out an early effort by horror master James Wan (The Conjuring), 2010’s Insidious. Starring Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne, Insidious delivers some solid scares on a serious budget, reportedly just $1.5 million. This is the first of a two part commissioned podcast series. Next, we will consider the sequel, Insidious 2, and compare and contrast the two.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Special thanks to Josh “Anubus21” Wilson for the conclusion of his three podcast trilogy (previously Screamers and PCU), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.  Arguably the greatest Trek film of all time, and featuring the unquestionably greatest Trek movie villain, Wrath holds up like a champ.  Featuring terrifying ear worms, a broad range of quality Shatnerian acting, Chekov screaming, and Ricardo Montalbán’s impressive old man chest, we try to look at the film through both critical and nostalgic lenses.

Bald Move Prestige - Natural Born Killers (1994)

Jason decided to tag his wife Aime back for the movies (Transformers, Toxic Avenger) she’d commissioned for him over Christmas, by having us chat about her personal favorite movie, Oliver Stone’s 1994 film, Natural Born Killers. We found this movie to be wonderfully cast (Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey, Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Sizemore, among others) and fully insane in it’s direction, visuals, editing, and message, and thus spent about half our time talking about the film itself, and the other half pondering the human condition. Jason, Aime, hope you two crazy love birds enjoy this commission, and if either of you start talking about being the god of your world, back out of the room slowly. Make no sudden movements.

Bald Move Pulp - The Toxic Avenger (1984)

Merry Christmas, Jason Miller! Your wife, Aime thought it would be a nice present to commission you a pair of podcasts to open beneath the tree. This is one of them, 1984’s cult horror classic, “The Toxic Avenger”. Directed by Michael Herz and “starring” Mitch Cohen, Mark Torgl, Andree Maranda, it’s a work of pure cinematic insanity of over the top and cheaply filmed gore, sex, violence, and sexual violence. We discuss Troma films in general, pollution, dick punching, and much more as we attempt to review a movie that defies criticism.