Goodfellas (1990)

It’s the 30th Anniversary of the gangster classic, Goodfellas. Martin Scorsese has a long history making gangster movies. We covered his latest one, The Irishman, already but now we’re going back to cover his most famous one. It’s a wild ride, beginning with the Marty insight into the allure of the criminal underworld that you’ve come to expect and culminating in one of the all-time great scenes of chaos and paranoia. Check out the podcast to hear what we thought about it thirty years later.

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)

The year is 2020 and Bill & Ted are back on the big screen, or the small screen depending on how you choose to watch it, to Face the Music. Their quest is to finally write the song that will unite the world and fulfill their destiny. Is their most triumphant return a truly Excellent Adventure or a Bogus Journey? Join us on the podcast to find out.

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This podcast was made possible by the generous support of Ann Merin. We thoroughly enjoyed this love letter to Star Trek. It’s got a shockingly deep roster of actors, launched the careers of at least 2 comedic talents, and showcases some outstanding effects work, considering the modest budget. It’s absolutely worth a watch if you’re a fan of Star Trek and somehow haven’t seen it.

The Lighthouse (2019)

After directing The Witch, one of the most unsettling horror movies of the last decade, Robert Eggers has done it again with The Lighthouse, a film that defies description. Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson both deliver astounding performances in this largely underrated tale about two lighthouse attendants (“wickies”) who have to make the best of a bad situation. Join us on the podcast, preferably after you’ve seen the movie, for the full discussion.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Edgar Wright has only directed one box office bomb and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is it. Does that mean it’s a bad movie? Absolutely not. In fact, we think it’s an excellent representation of the growing cross-section of movies, gaming, and graphic novels. That’s why we’ve decided to celebrate it’s 10th anniversary with a podcast talking about what makes it great. Take a listen.

The Hustler (1961)

Today we’re talking 1961’s The Hustler, which might just be the greatest movie about the game of pool that has ever been made. Starring Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, and George C. Scott, it’s a tale of an up-and-coming pool hustler trying to make it big but, more importantly, it’s the story of a man trying to figure out what makes a person a “winner”.

Chaos on the Bridge (2014)

A big thank you to Ann Merin for commissioning this podcast on Chaos on the Bridge, William Shatner’s 2014 documentary that peeks behind the scenes of the first few years of Star Trek: The Next Generation with cast interviews describing tumultuous power dynamics both in and out of the writers room. Frankly, it’s a must-see movie for fans of TNG and now we’ve finally seen it. Give the podcast a listen to find out what we thought.

Inception (2010) – 10th Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Christopher Nolan’s dreamscape heist film, Inception. We covered it immediately after its initial release and 10 years later we’re back to do it all over again. I assume we’ll hit level three in about 90 more years and come back from limbo to cover it one final time, but until then check out our 2nd podcast review of this film.