Breaking Good - 405 – Shotgun

Moving on to the recap, we discuss Aztec badassery, Walt’s good vibrations, Jesse making good use of keys, Hank getting out, right before he gets pulled back in, the Incurable Cough of Death rearing it’s ugly, tuberculous head, knocking boots at the Casablanca, Tuvok’s mastery of the forklift, the least subtle assassination attempt of all time, and Walt’s overweening arrogance.

Breaking Good - 404 – Bullet Points

During the recap, we discuss Mike’s cold open, what a doozy of an episode this turned out to be, the fine art of card counting, what Hank may or may not know, how cool it would be to have Gale as a friend, how The French Connection influences Breaking Bad, if Saul has his eye on the Endgame Option, and what Jesse’s role will be in Gus’s organization moving forward.

Breaking Good - 403 – Open House

During the recap, we discuss the fine art of fronting, ladder wielding pig riders, non-attached casinos, eyebrow submissions, Saul’s professional bathroom apocalypse, rice pudding gut rot, playing paranoia limbo, and the meaning of “Open House”. After a brief musical interlude, we check out next week’s preview, and dish some spoilers and speculation.

Breaking Good - 402 – Thirty Eight Snub

First up, I challenge some of Jim’s takes from last week, we touch on a cranky dude from Seattle’s complete failure to get the point of Breaking Bad. We recap the show, and considering the relative health of Jesse’s lifestyle, how Walt’s gangster side is being figuratively and literally knocked down a peg, Hank’s mancrush on his PT, Skyler’s new career in hostile takeovers, Victor’s replacement, and Mike’s apparent lack of attention to detail.

Breaking Good - Predictions

In this week’s episode, we discuss the possible impact to our favorite show from a rumored takeover of AMC, some thoughts and speculation on the newest Breaking Bad season four trailer, what a possible Breaking Bad spinoff about Mike or Gus might look like, some relavations from some recent articles on Breaking Bad and interviews with series creator, Vince Gilligan, and finally, we offer dueling predictions for things to come in Season 4!