Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars Holiday Special: The Podcast

Merry Christmas, everybody! The last day of our Culkin Keatmas is upon us, and with it, our final gift to you.  Jim and I break down the Star Wars Holiday Special and take it for all it’s worth.  Wookiee porn, deeply unfunny instructional videos, ill-fitting helmets, and hours of uncaptioned Wookiee dialog are considered and de-coded but we’re still left with the big question… Why?  Since all involved have disowned the project we may never know.  But whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Life Day or any other tradition that aims to turn the coldest, darkest part of the year into something more, you are in our thoughts, and you have our gratitude for all the love and support you’ve shown us this past year.  We’ll see you in 2018!

Bald Move Pulp - Batman Returns (1992)

Our Merry Culkin Keatmas jingles on!  We’ve seen the apex of any good Keatmas, Batman Returns, the 1992 follow up to the Tim Burton Batman.  What’s better than Jack Nicholson as the Joker?  Having two classic Bat Villains.  The concept has merit, but the execution?  It’s not as purrrrfect as Catwoman might want.  We discuss Keaton’s place in the Bat Pantheon, Devito’s bizarre, grotesque, Penguin, and the stuff that works in the Catwoman/Batman relationship, and the stuff that doesn’t.   Stay tuned because we’re not quite done, you have one more present left to unwrap!  Come back Christmas Eve (Sunday, December 24th)  to find it under the tree!

Bald Move Pulp - Justice League (2017)

Cecily and A.Ron discuss the latest DC comic book movie attempt, and one with a lot of hopes riding on it, Justice League. It’s a real who’s who of comic book movies, does it manage to build on the momentum of the very good Wonder Woman, or is this another Superman vs Batman level disappointment?  Well, we’d have to say it falls right in between those two extremes.  It’s not great, but it’s also not terrible, and does just enough to hopefully give DC some room to breathe and establish these other presumably great characters in their own films and organically setup their universe for the next time the League has to assemble. 

Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)

Once again commissioner Fernando Rodriguez (you may better know him as FernNYC17 on our forums) steps up with a choice selection, this time the oft maligned Return of the Jedi.  Often dismissed as derivative or childish when compared to A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back respectively, we have nothing but love for the climax of the story of Skywalker.  It’s got the best space battle, the best lightsabre battle, and the best puppets in all of Star Wars.  The Special Edition changes?  Not so much love.

Bald Move Pulp - Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Thor: Ragnarok and let us be the millionth person to tell you that it is fun and colorful.  There isn’t much else there, but, you know,  but director Taika Waititi ensured that it’s really fun and really colorful.  It asks some big questions about Thor, and Odin, and even the Hulk, but isn’t really interested in the answers.  It’s not a bad thing, because it is really, really fun.  Cate Blanchett is clearly enjoying being a vampy big bad with a flair for irony and the dramatic, Jeff Goldblum is a delight as an eccentric gladiatorial slave owner. The premise and resolution are quite clever.  We just are a little puzzled at some of the over the top early buzz hailing it as the new benchmark for comic book movies.  

Bald Move Pulp - Cinema Spooktacular 2017!

A.Ron and Cecily begin a tradition of discussing the scary movies they’ve been watching throughout the Halloween season!  No spoilers to scare any body off, we just talk about just how and what type of scary they are. This year’s crop of fresh indie horrors is courtesy Kimberly Dadds Buzzfeed article on 31 scary movies to watch during the month of October.   The list is below, and I’ve linked to Jim and A.Ron’s in depth review of Pontypool.  

Bald Move Pulp - Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Jim and A.Ron went to see Bladerunner 2049 tonight, what did they think?  A.Ron thinks it’s amazing, absorbing, and needs multiple viewings to unravel all of it’s mysteries, while Jim thinks the same but wishes they’d cut about 20 minutes of Gosling walking down sidewalks and starring off into the distance.  And that’s probably fair, but then again a somewhat stately, almost glacial pace is kind of a Bladerunner hallmark, no?  Enjoy our spoiler free review, and discussion of upcoming movies for free, but if you want to hear our in depth thoughts on the movie, you’ll have to be a Club Member!

Bald Move Pulp - Top of the Lake, Bojack Horseman, Gerald’s Game

A.Ron and Cecily talk about some fine television they have consumed in the past week or so, including Netflix’s Top of the Lake (00:00:20), starring Elizabeth Moss and Gwendoline Christy, Netflix’s hilarious and tragic Bojack Horseman (00:22:31), and also Netflix’s Gerald’s Game (00:34:10), adapted from a Stephen King story of the same name.