Bald Move Prestige - Gold (2017)

Jim and A.Ron give their thoughts on a terrible, no good, boring film starring Matthew McConaughey, Bryce Dallas Howard, Édgar Ramírez and directed by Stephen Gaghan; Gold. It’s the definition of a mediocre film that half-asses themes that much better films have done very recently, including The Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, and The Big Short. We also discuss the upcoming lineup of first run Bald Movies, before getting to the Club only spoiler section. See you in a few weeks for John Wick 2!

Bald Move Prestige - PCU (1994)

Special thanks to Josh “anubus21” Wilson again for yet another commission (he also is responsible for the recent Screamers), this time he decided to troll us by making us watch the terrible “Jeremy Piven goes to college” movie, PCU. We figured it was only fair to troll him back by tearing the movie a new one. We don’t think the movie is particularly funny, it’s message is bad, and it’s full of unlikable characters with murky motivations and goals beyond throwing the ultimate rager and wishing minorities and vegetarians would just, you know, chill already. Its lone bright spot is that mid-movie, George Clinton personally pilots the Mothership as he drops a righteous funk bomb on the film, but even ordinance that powerful couldn’t stop the monstrous Piven.

All in all, a fairly successful troll all around. Thanks for your support, Josh, and… enjoy?

Bald Move Prestige - Natural Born Killers (1994)

Jason decided to tag his wife Aime back for the movies (Transformers, Toxic Avenger) she’d commissioned for him over Christmas, by having us chat about her personal favorite movie, Oliver Stone’s 1994 film, Natural Born Killers. We found this movie to be wonderfully cast (Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey, Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Sizemore, among others) and fully insane in it’s direction, visuals, editing, and message, and thus spent about half our time talking about the film itself, and the other half pondering the human condition. Jason, Aime, hope you two crazy love birds enjoy this commission, and if either of you start talking about being the god of your world, back out of the room slowly. Make no sudden movements.

Bald Move Prestige - The Voices (2014)

Julie Webster of “Teeth” commissioning fame/infamy is back again with another movie to bend our noodles. This one a criminally overlooked Ryan Reynolds movie, “The Voices”. Under the direction of Academy Award winner Marjane Satrapi, and joined by co-star Anna Kendrick, Reynolds really comes out swinging as a poorly understood young man with non-existant social skills just trying to find happiness in life. Unfortunately, for reasons both nature and nurture, his search is in vain, and the movie spirals down an ever increasing dark path. An impressive movie, and one worth watching if you don’t think Ryan Reynolds is capable of any kind of nuanced, interesting work. Just be warned, this movie is pitch black, and very uncomfortable in places.

Bald Move Prestige - Point Break (1991)

Our buddies over at the Nattercast, lead by fearless hosts Jason and Sion decided to commission an action movie classic, 1991’s Point Break. Starring Keanu Reaves, Gary Busey, and Patrick Swayze, and directed by Katheryn Bigelow, Point Break offers up an uncompromising look into the savage beating heart that is the suburban surfer gangster, brought into sharp relief against the rural football FBI agent, its natural foe. We thrill to the spectacular work capturing the thrilling surf and sky stunts, laugh at the acting and dialog, and are stunned at the effectiveness of a rubber Ronald Reagan mask when deployed for mayhem.

Bald Move Prestige - Arrival (2016)

Jim and A.Ron went to see Arrival, starring Amy Addams, Jeremy Renner, and directed by Denis Villeneuve tonight. This is a very hard science fiction story that is told in a very slow, deliberate, and quiet way that might be off putting or tiresome to some. However it contains surprising depth, fascinating ideas, and a powerful emotional payload to those with sufficient patience and interest. Enjoy the spoiler free review and discussion of upcoming movies, but if you want to hear the full cosmic spoiler-filled thoughts you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move Member.

Bald Move Prestige - Blood Simple (1984)

Sean Ray commissioned one of his favorite movies, the Coen Brothers’ 1984 directorial debut, Blood Simple. Starring Coen favorite Frances McDormand, it’s an interesting look into the prehistorical fossil Coen record. So many shots and themes established in this first film go on to make up the DNA of their later works. You’ll see Fargo, Miller’s Crossing, No Country for Old Men, and even a few dashes of Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski in this film. Having said that, there is a whole helluva lot of 1980’s film making and first time directing on display as well.