A Knight’s Tale (2001)

Today we’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of A Knight’s Tale. Even if you’re not a fan of romantic comedies, you’ll absolutely love the other parts of this movie. It contains more star power than any movie has a right to, with the likes of Heath Ledger, Paul Bettany, Alan Tudyk, and Mark Addy, and certain unforgettable someone from Breaking Bad.

Rain Man (1988)

Tom Cruise has a problem. His imported car flipping business is failing and he just found out that he has a secret brother who is an autistic savant. But those aren’t his problems. His problem is that he’s an asshole. But there’s a cure for that and it’s a movie called Rain Man. Join us for a discussion of this critically acclaimed classic film to hear what we think of it 30 years later.

The Verdict (1982)

The Verdict is a movie about a medical malpractice lawsuit that marks a milestone in Paul Newman’s career. Join us for a discussion of this deceptively good film that turns the charismatic leading man into a sad, old, washed up lawyer trying, and perhaps succeeding, to rekindle his life.

Amadeus (1984)

Bald Move Prestige is where the best of the best come to shine. In the Prestige podcast, we talk about serious dramas, excellence in filmmaking, and everything in between; on television or on the big screen. Prestige doesn’t cover sci-fi, but if that is your thing, you might be looking for Bald Move Pulp.

Basic Instinct (1992)

We were under the mistaken impression that Basic Instinct was a Prestige film, because neither of us had seen it. What we got was a softcore, movie-length episode of Red Shoe Diaries directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone. Whether it’s thrilling satire or a satirical thriller, we certainly had quite a bit of fun with it

Gran Torino (2008)

At it’s heart, Gran Torino is about an old, set-in-his-ways (racist) war veteran realizing that he has more in common with the hardworking, honest Asian family next door than he does with his own spoiled American family. The trouble is, the guy is just so damned racist that it’s hard to get comfortable with him. And even when his opinion of the family next door changes, the offensive language he uses to describe them doesn’t. Gran Torino is a tough movie to talk about.

First Blood (1982)

Ask the average person what they think of when they hear the name Rambo and they’ll probably say something about an over-muscled rageaholic murdering dozens of people with weapons meant to be mounted on vehicles. Even if they know better, they’ll probably agree that this first movie in the franchise is called “Rambo”. Neither of those things is entirely accurate, so we’re setting the record straight in a podcast covering one of Sylvester Stallone’s best movies.

Road to Perdition (2002)

Road to Perdition is the only movie we could think of that features Tom Hanks as anything other than a wholesome heroic type. It turns out he’s an honest-to-goodness actor and he can absolutely pull off the Irish gangster dead set on avenging his murdered family, especially when he’s sharing the screen with other talented actors such as Paul Newman and Daniel Craig. Who knew!

Win Win (2011)

Join us for a discussion about teenage trauma and angst filtered through Bobby Cannavale playing an accidental pedo and Paul Giamatti getting pile drived into the grass by a 15 year old. Thanks again to Dave from California for commissioning this podcast.