HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 107 – You Win or You Die

Jim and A.Ron are thrilled to be back for a sneaky good episode 107 of HBO’s Game of Thrones, “You Win or You Die”. Featuring the impressive debut of Daddy Lannister, a thrilling inspirational (before it gets scary) speech by Drogo, and more scheming, machinations, and back stabbing than you can shake a bundle of rushes at. Classic Game of Thrones, basically. All that, plus super-sized mailbags of both the unspoiled and spoiler variety, coming your way.

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 104 – Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things

A.Ron and Jim continue their re-watch with episode 104 of HBO’s Game of Thrones, “Bastards, Cripples, and Broken Things”. If you’re new to Game of Thrones, enjoy our spoiler free episode discussion and recap, but if you’re a hard bitten, winter ready veteran of the Game, feel free to skip to 01:23:50 for our spoiler filled discussion of the episode as it fits into the over all series, including spoilers from the books!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 101 – Winter is Coming

And now our Watch begins. Jim and I start the process of backfilling our Game of Thrones Podcast catalog by revisiting the series premiere, episode 101, “Winter is Coming”. If you’re new to the series, don’t fear, we don’t spoil anything for future episodes, but we do have a Spoiler section at the end of our podcast for people who want to stick around and talk about the show in the broader context of having seen all six seasons or read all of the available books.

Breaking Good - Season One Wrap Up

Jim and A.Ron sign off the Breaking Bad airwaves until sometime in November 2014, but we have a few things to say before we do. We talk about Breaking Bad’s relationship to Fargo, a listener calls BS on giving Walt a pass on his “authentic” decision making, and we do a deep dive on Hank and Walt’s relationship as we play a little bit of “what if” in the spoiler section.

Breaking Good - 106 – Crazy Hand Full of Nothin’

Jim and A.Ron arrive at arguably the high water mark of season one, in the impressive and exciting “Crazy Hand Full of Nothin'”. The birth of Heisenberg, the introduction of the menacing Tuco, Jesse and Walt’s relationship evolving, more questionable ethical and moral compromises, the stakes just continue to rise. Join us as we discuss explosive chemistry, gauge the “likability” of Walt, Skyler, and Hank, keep track of Jr’s Breakfastometer, and much more including your thoughts and comments as well as a healthy spoiler section safely ensconced behind our outro music.