Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Top Gun: Mission Impossible does not disappoint. With some astounding face-stretching fighter jet stunts and a story with a good amount of heart, watching this movie is an exciting experience. Though at times formulaic, there are enough cool things going on to distract you from asking, “But does this really make sense?” too many times. Watch the era of the manned fighter jets come to a close in this heart-racing sequel keeping step with its 36-year-old predecessor. We’ll be back in two weeks with another first run movie: Jurassic World Dominion. 

We Own This City - S01E05 – Part Five

In the penultimate episode of We Own This City, we’re seeing the investigation probe deeper into the corruption of the police department and the boys in blue are getting antsy. Nicole Steele shares a new layer and insight to her personal experiences. Watch with dismay as the corruption in Baltimore extends all the way into President 45’s administration. When everybody points the finger at everyone else, how does anything get fixed?
Have feedback? Drop us a line at Looking for more on the subject? Check out Season 3 of Serial, start here.

We Own This City - S01E04 – Part Four – Feedback

Looking at the systemic problems impeding justice, we wonder: how do we create solutions? And that’s the rub, there are no immediate solutions. The way forward will be incremental changes over years. Sounds like too long? It is. This is a multigenerational problem. Hopefully the addition of shows like The Wire and We Own This City are changing minds and bringing more attention to issues that need to be dealt with.

And thank you to the Baltimore residents who write in to check the authenticity of the show and provide more context. And for confirming Jon Bernthal’s Baltimore dialect is accurate.


Empire Business – Talking Podcasting with David Chen

The relative youth of the podcast industry can make it tricky for content creators to decide what direction to steer their business in, and depending on the film and TV industry to deliver great content as the basis of that business makes it even more so. Join us on this episode of Empire Business for a conversation with David Chen as we discuss our experiences in podcasting.

National Treasure (2004)

Conspiracy theorists rejoice, we’re covering your favorite movie. Everyone else, we know it’s in your top ten, don’t deny it. It’s got everything: clues, conspiracy, and the most toned-down Nic Cage performance on record. With the breakneck speed plot points you don’t have time to ask, “Does this actually make sense?” It’s good fun for all ages, which you don’t see a lot of anymore, so props to this movie. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re thinking too hard. Stop it!
What are you waiting for? Listen in on our discussion on America’s National Treasure, Nic Cage, in the movie National Treasure.

We Own This City - S01E04 – Part Four

With only two episodes left to go, we are soon approaching the end of We Own This City. We hear the title of the show said in this episode and it’s as infuriating as it should be. The show asks the question, when the bully cops go too far even by the other bully cops standards, why do those people who could do something, still do nothing? When this corruption and violence is the input of this horrid policing, then this unrest is the logical output.

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