For All Mankind - S03E03 – All In

This is it. The missions to Mars gather enough speed for launch just in time for 1994. How? Well, some shortcuts were taken, some ships repurposed, and perhaps some small bit of nuclear technology was given to the Soviets by a reluctant spy who presumably would have to shave her head completely bald to actually seal the deal with Sergei. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on “All In”.

Watching Westworld - Season 4 Preview

The Westworld season 4 premiere is just a week away so A.Ron and I are back for a preview. Because it’s been over two years since the previous season aired, we start off with a discussion of where we left each character, which leads us into discussion of the season 4 trailer. Join us for the preview to get ready for the next season!

For All Mankind - S03E02 – Game Changer

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of some weird ass love stories. In a show full of brilliant astronauts and hardcore investors, it’s no wonder that tensions run high. We talk about Harambe, yes the gorilla (RIP) and the office politics that are making their way into space. Many of the characters in this show can be described as a piece of work, but Karen takes the cake.