Belfast (2021)

This semi-autobiographical film written and directed by Kenneth Branagh is a touching story of a Belfast family and community set against a backdrop of “the troubles”. It features great performances by kids, grown-ups, and bastions like Judi Dench. Even in the dark times, there is humor and heart all backed by the fantastic Belfast native, Van Morrison.

The Lorehounds: The Last of Us - The Rings of Power – S01E08 – Alloyed

David has returned and his veil has been lifted! David and John discussed their hot takes for Episode 8 and then deep dive into the lore around Sauron’s near redemption, the forging of the Rings of Power, and the coming of the Istari. They tied up the episode with some listener feedback about accents, character motivations, and the reception of the show before discussing the future plans for the Lorehounds.

The Rings of Power - S01E08 – Alloyed

The power has been restored to this show. Great sacrifices are made, destinies intertwined, and identities revealed. Though original Tolkien lore was trampled a bit, it was a job well done all around. We’re looking forward to seeing our heroes and villains in the next season. And don’t miss the feedback and wrap up episode next week!