Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S02E01 – The A-Team Pilot: “Mexican Slayride”

We’re back for season two, where we’ll be sampling from the very best of 80s action television as we watch the pilots where all these stories begin. This week, we’re with the A-Team, who from what we gather are an elite team of special forces con-men, as they attempt to run a mercenary co-op with a side hustle of Hollywood studio backlot misadventures. Things get a little rough in patches, but the theme song is rad and Mr. T is still awesome.

The Big Lebowski (1998) 25th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of its 25th anniversary of being released, we’re rereleasing our episode on The Big Lebowski!
This podcast was commissioned by Michael Johnston for his main main Dave in Philly, and what a podcast it is. Jim and I have the sheer delight of watching the sublime Coen Brothers’ 1998 film, The Big Lebowski. One of the forerunners of the “slacker noir” genre, Lebowski is hugely entertaining and surprisingly deep film. We talk about Jeff Bridges magic, new shit coming to light, try to figure out Maude, gush about the late, great, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, the downfall of bowling, and much, much more.
So thanks once again to Michael and Dave, for giving us an excuse to really drink this film in. If you’d like to commission your very own podcast, check out our Commission a Podcast page to find out!

Growth Decay Transformation - S01E01 – “I’m Awake”

It’s been 15 years since a pantsless Walter White first stepped onto our screens. Now that Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have finished their runs, Pete and Courtney are here to do a retrospective. This is for fans who have seen the shows because there will be SPOILERS! In this rewatch, Pete and Courtney will break down the characters, themes, and plot points and connect them to the greater arc of the story. Listen along as Pete and Courtney explore the growth, decay, and transformation of Breaking Bad.

Growth Decay Transformation - S01E00 – “Introduction”

Welcome to Growth Decay Transformation, a Breaking Bad rewatch podcast. This introductory episode explains who we are and why we decided to do a retrospective podcast about one of our favorite TV shows right now. Now that Better Call Saul has ended we have a complete story, and this will be a full SPOILERS podcast exploring that. Join Pete and Courtney on their journey through every episode of Breaking Bad.