
You’ve Got Mail (1998)

From Nora Efron who brought you several iconic romcoms, comes a movie where Tom Hanks gaslights a woman into thinking he’s a charmer. Meg Ryan is a plucky young woman with a small bookstore who is about to be stomped by corporate greed in this inverse of a Hallmark movie. A.Ron, the notorious shipper, is creeped out by this romance. Jim keeps smelling something stinky, is it the drinks or the movie?

Fargo - S05E05 – The Tiger

Lyons and tigers and…and…involuntary psychiatric commitment. Oh my! The backstories are coming out in this episode. Working in healthcare is dangerous when Dot is at your hospital. And are we headed toward a Dot/Munch team up? Get your fix of Fargo and theory crafting in this week’s episode with Jim and A.Ron.


Scrooged (1988)

Scrooged is the movie that knocks the Christmas out of A.Ron. The movie is great, until it’s not. Bill Murray is the Scrooge figure working in the entertainment industry. There are great practical effects, real injuries, great cast, and one of Jim’s “favorite” actors. Is there enough Christmas magic to save this movie?