Direct - David Fincher – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a warm, fuzzy Forest-Gumpian tale of a deadbeat dad and his deadbeat dad son. Fincher’s take on this (very loose) F. Scott Fitzgerald adaptation is a departure of sorts from his thriller-tinged canon thus far. This is Fincher at his most romantic, and even still he manages to inject action, humor and slick, stylized camera work into the mix. It’s a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Direct - David Fincher – Zodiac

Mbqvnp vf n uryy bs n guevyyre jvgu gvtug cybggvat, ovt pvarzngvp zbzragf, naq n fbsg ynaqvat. Svapure znfgreshyyl whttyrf punenpgre, pnfg naq uvfgbel gb fcva n snzvyvne gnyr va n arj yvtug. Vg’f tehrfbzr. Vg’f shaal. Naq vg’f n nccebcevngryl n gnyr sbe bhe gvzr. Guvf svyz vf n cyrnfher gb orubyq.

Direct - David Fincher – Panic Room

Panic Room is a balanced thriller with great pacing, excellent characters, and top-notch performances. It’s a movie that puts you in a big house and makes it feel claustrophobic. Fincher continues with his “making the big feel small” theme and delivers a beautify, clippy experience. It’s a fun watch.

Direct - David Fincher – Fight Club

Fight Club. It is a big-time interesting cinematic experience that will keep your mind spinning. Fincher goes back to the mind-f*** well and this one’s a doozy. What’s real? What’s admirable? What’s B.S.? This movie could be torn apart, theorized and opined upon for hours, but we only have one. Give it a listen and give us your take.

Bald Move Pulp - Jason Bourne (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest film in Matt Damon’s action spy thriller franchise, Jason Bourne, and find it reasonably Bourney, but missing a lot of the improvisational, desperate charm of the earlier installments, and missing a lot of its heart. Please enjoy our spoiler free review of the movie and discussion of the trailers we saw for upcoming fall releases, but if you want to hear our detailed spoiler-filled take on the movie, you’ll have to be a Club Bald Move Member!

Direct - David Fincher – The Game

The Game is a twisty-turney, paranoid ride through a Wonderland world. Trust no one. Ultimately the film is undoubtedly entertaining, and undoubtedly Fincher, but how do the pieces ultimately come together? Is this a game for the ages, or a contest to forget? Probably somewhere in the middle.

Bald Move Pulp - Star Trek: Beyond (2016)

Jim’s on vacation, so filling in his spot is Cecily, A.Ron’s co-host on the American Horror Story Podcast, True Blood Authority, Penny Earful, and life. A.Ron approaches the film from the perspective of a life long Trek fan, Cecily approaches it more from the casual fan perspective, but both are in agreement that this installment of Trek can best be described as “mediocre”.