Bald Move Pulp - Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

Sink your teeth into this creepy, seductive, and exciting adaptation of Dracula from Francis Ford Coppola. This film features one of the hottest casts of the early nineties, astonishing visual effects, and amazing performances. Between the engrossing and just gross romances and the buckets of blood, Jim and A.Ron have plenty to praise.
Thank you Josh for commissioning this podcast!

Under Siege (1992)

What do you get when you pair up Steven Seagal with an apron, a playboy playmate, and the insanity of both Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones? You get the most notable entry in his badass resume, Under Siege. Is it enough to measure up to the likes of Arnold, Stallone, or JCVD? Check out the podcast to find out what we think.

Basic Instinct (1992)

We were under the mistaken impression that Basic Instinct was a Prestige film, because neither of us had seen it. What we got was a softcore, movie-length episode of Red Shoe Diaries directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone. Whether it’s thrilling satire or a satirical thriller, we certainly had quite a bit of fun with it

Bald Move Prestige - Unforgiven (1992)

Thanks to Sean Ray for commissioning the classic 1992 western, “Unforgiven”.  Directed by and starring a perfectly-aged Clint Eastwood, the story has him reconciling the man he was in his drunken youth with the man he wants to be, and more importantly, the man his dead wife would have him be.  Where does he come down on it?  It’s a classic so you probably already know but one of us didn’t and the discussion is interesting.

A Few Good Men (1992)

Special thanks to our commissioner for today’s podcast, Sean Ray. You may recognize him as the man behind such classics as It Follows, and Black Rain, which if nothing else is unique. Today he selects the great A Few Good Men, where a gruff Colonel in the US Marine Corps takes issue with the USMC’s kinder, more gentler ways of discipline and organization, leading to the death of one of the men under his command. Tom Cruise and Demi Moore are effective as the counsel for the defense, and are given a lot of juicy material to work with. Written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Rob Reiner, the script is packed with Sorkinisms and shot with a steady, confident eye. The performances are phenomenal, especially Jack Nicholson’s elemental performance of Col. Jessup.