Bald Move Prestige - Dr. Strangelove (1964)

Today’s commissioned podcast is one for the pantheon, Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 masterpiece of satire, Dr. Strangelove.  Kubrick set out to make a nuclear thriller, but instead decided to lean heavily into the existential absurdism that was and still is the world’s nuclear weapon deterrent, mutual assured destruction.  Hey, it’s worked for sixty years, let’s keep the streak going!  Special thanks to our committee of commissioners, “Breaking Bad Fest” Jennie, Gulleen, Manoj, Flash Gordon, Anthony, leaplizard, hiroprotagonist2002, tingudu, Don M, Zack Z, Sean R, and Alex K for making this happen.  We loved revisiting this film and it’s as funny and relevant today as it was back in ’64.  Enjoy!

Bald Move Pulp - The Last Jedi Rewatch

A.Ron went back and saw the newest Star Wars on his holiday break, and has a lot more to say.  He turns to life long friend and fellow fan Jim Jones to help him talk through is feelings about the film, and his fears for the future of the franchise.  Maybe you feel me, maybe you don’t, but I hope you all accept it as my honest analysis of the film.  If you want to hear our first impressions, you can get them here.  

Bald Move Pulp - Batman Returns (1992)

Our Merry Culkin Keatmas jingles on!  We’ve seen the apex of any good Keatmas, Batman Returns, the 1992 follow up to the Tim Burton Batman.  What’s better than Jack Nicholson as the Joker?  Having two classic Bat Villains.  The concept has merit, but the execution?  It’s not as purrrrfect as Catwoman might want.  We discuss Keaton’s place in the Bat Pantheon, Devito’s bizarre, grotesque, Penguin, and the stuff that works in the Catwoman/Batman relationship, and the stuff that doesn’t.   Stay tuned because we’re not quite done, you have one more present left to unwrap!  Come back Christmas Eve (Sunday, December 24th)  to find it under the tree!


Batman Returns (1992) – LIVEWATCH

Merry Culkin Keatmas begins its third act with the mostly beloved Tim Burton Christmas classic (not that one…), Batman Returns. Does a 1992 Batman movie starring Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Danny Devito, Christopher Walken and Paul Reubens hold up in 2017? There’s only one way to find out and it’s nearly going to kill one of us.

Bald Move Prestige - Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017)

Jim and I have seen Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi: No More Subtitles, We Promise, and surprise, surprise!  One of us like it and one of us wanted to like it more than they actually felt the love.  On the other hand, the film is receiving almost universal praise so don’t let that dissuade you from seeing and enjoying The Last Jedi.  Haha, as if wild falthiers could drag anyone away from seeing a new Star Wars.  


Bald Move Prestige - Home Alone (1990)

Merry Culkin Keatmas!  This is of course our follow up podcast to the LiveWatch of Home Alone, in which we take issue with our old pal Roger Ebert’s dour review of the film, trade trivia about the film, and in general talk about why it’s one of our very favorite Christmas films.  We’re not done!  Not by a long shot.  Come back next week as we put the Keaton back in Keatmas with Batman Returns!

Bald Move Prestige - The Disaster Artist (2017)

We have seen The Disaster Artist, the behind the scenes look at the creation of The Room, which is quite possibly the worst film ever made.  Based on the book of the same name, the brothers Franco play Tommy and Greg in a way that manages to feel honest, sympathetic, and most of all very funny.  It is frustrating that there is so little there, there.  There is no big revealing answers that make any sense about the deeply weird and enigmatic Tommy, and the friendship between him and Greg also feels like the barest sketch possible to make the film work.  But it does work, and like Ed Wood before it, manages to make an amazing movie out of a dog turd.  It’s an amazing alchemic work, spinning gold from lead.  Go see it, regardless of how familiar you are with the source material.  You’re going to be in for a good time.


Bald Move Prestige - Jack Frost (1998)

The Merry Culkin Keatmas rages on with our podcast that brings the Keaton to Keatmas, 1998’s box office bomb, Jack Frost.  The film isn’t great, but we managed to extract a surprising amount of fun and holiday cheer from it.  Enjoy!  And don’t forget Lunch coming this Friday!  Next week we’ll tackle Home Alone with both LiveWatch and podcast.  See you then!

Bald Move Pulp - Justice League (2017)

Cecily and A.Ron discuss the latest DC comic book movie attempt, and one with a lot of hopes riding on it, Justice League. It’s a real who’s who of comic book movies, does it manage to build on the momentum of the very good Wonder Woman, or is this another Superman vs Batman level disappointment?  Well, we’d have to say it falls right in between those two extremes.  It’s not great, but it’s also not terrible, and does just enough to hopefully give DC some room to breathe and establish these other presumably great characters in their own films and organically setup their universe for the next time the League has to assemble.