Bald Move Prestige - Mean Girls (2004)

Special thanks to Dr. Brandon Devito, Bald Move’s favorite dentist, for commissioning our latest podcast, “Mean Girls”, on behalf of his daughter, Carmen. “Mean Girls” screenplay was written by the great Tina Fey, and has a lot of star power, with Lindsay Lohan being joined by Rachel McAddams, Lacey Chabert, Amanda Seyfried, Tim Meadows, and Tina Fey pulling double duty. It’s smart, funny, and offers an insightful look into the dynamics of the high school experience from a female perspective. Who better to commentate on it than two 30 something guys who don’t have daughters?

Bald Move Prestige - Barton Fink (1991)

Thanks to überfan Anthony Basich who used our Subbable subscription site to commission a personal podcast, for one of his favorite films, the 1991 Coen Brothers film, “Barton Fink”. Jim and A.Ron talk about the occasionally dark, occasionally funny, very deep and dreamy, take on the creative process, the Hollywood establishment, the rise of national socialism, the dangers of homoerotic suppression, an expose of ghostwriters, and wait–what the hell?  What is this film, anyway?  Jim and A.Ron grapple with these issues and more.