Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - Mid-Season 6 Wrap Up

From the promising start, The Walking Dead tripped and fell it’s way towards a disappointing first half of season six. WTF is the problem? Can they recover? Should we care any more? All these questions and more are pondered by Jim and A.Ron with our fellow fans. Regardless of where we’re at now, we WILL be back for the back half of season six, rain or shine, and hopefully you’ll be there with us.

American Horror Story Podcast - 413 – Curtain Call

Well, it’s the season finale of American Horror Story: Freak Show, episode 413, “Curtain Call”, and it’s a hot mess. What started off with so much Twisted promise devolved into a Dandy just never quite got there and too little, too late Chester. In this podcast, we talk our overall thoughts on the season, on the happy Freaks ending, and make predictions for next year. All this, plus a Ima Wiggles sized portion of feedback, and much more.

Up Yours, Downstairs!

Feral Children! Unschooling!

In their recap of 1993’s The Secret Garden, Kelly & Tom are thrilled to find that it’s a darn good movie, possibly thanks to executive producer Francis Ford Coppola, who is also Kelly’s close personal friend. The film itself features Maggie Smith earning all 5 Maggie Smiths as Mrs. Medlock, Kate Maberly as the kid lit…

Up Yours, Downstairs!

There’s No E In Bingo

Kelly and Tom’s Empire Exhibition takes them to Ireland this week, as they recap episodes 1 and 2 of Strumpet City despite not having the slightest idea what anybody is saying. Nonetheless, they pass the time by reminiscing about Rosario Dawson, critiquing local dentistry, unearthing a lost Johnny Cash song, exploring the popularity of Friends in Edwardian Ireland,…

Up Yours, Downstairs!

Kelly and Tom are throwing an infidelity party following their recap of Shackleton, and everyone except Embeth Davidtz is invited! While they spend time with Tom’s favorite actor on Tom’s favorite continent, they chat about how many times people sleep with Kenneth Branagh, The Shaggy DA, what to do with an army of Welshies, drunk penguins, Frank…

Up Yours, Downstairs!

Meth? Or Method Acting?

Kelly & Tom continue their very exciting Empire Exhibition with an assist from comedian Kevin O’Shea. They dive deep into the Lake of Shining Waters with Anne of Green Gables, only coming up for the occasional swig of raspberry cordial and a reminiscence about childhood community theater. The film passes the Bechdick test with flying colors…

Up Yours, Downstairs!

There’s Knees Afoot

For their recap of both the 1917 and 1995 versions of A Little Princess, Kelly and Tom are joined by the delightful Allison Mick. The trio pretty much rolls their eyes every time Sara Crewe opens her mouth, but they manage to have a great time talking Passions (aka the greatest soap opera of all time), Ser Davos “Call…

Up Yours, Downstairs!

Jokes Jokes Jokes Death

Kelly & Tom welcome the Dowager Cousin Jackie back to UYDS for their coverage of Blackadder Goes Forth. The trio is surprised by its tonal similarity to Parade’s End and spends a long time extolling the virtues of Orphan Black for no other reason than the fact that everyone should watch Orphan Black. Otherwise, they realize that Captain Flashheart is essentially Duffman from The…