Justified: City Primeval - S01E01-2 – City Primeval, Oklahoma Wildman 

Raylan is back with his daughter Willa in tow. In two sweeping episodes, J:CP effortlessly builds a rich setting in Detroit. We meet a cast of characters who are all more than what meets the eye. There’s a mysterious tunnel system. And various Chekov’s nouns are introduced for what we hope are going to be big payoffs. Will Raylan’s cowboy approach be enough to take on the criminals in the streets of Detroit?

Foundation - S02E01 – In Seldon’s Shadow

The wait is over! Crack open your cryopod and tune into Jim and A.Ron’s thoughts on the first episode of an exciting season. Lee Pace and Jarry Harry return to the cosmos as leads in this interplanetary sci-fi based on the book series by Isaac Asimov. The Empire requires respect. Will the Foundation be its ruin? Find out on this season of Foundation!

The Bear – S02E01-3

This is a special edition episode for your Bald Move Prestige feed. Jim and A.Ron love the flavor of The Bear, and want to dish on all the best parts. It’s a dry comedy about a bunch of dysfunctional people trying to open a restaurant. It examines joy, existential dread, and obsession in a setting that is literally falling to pieces. Grab a plate as Jim and A.Ron serve up some hot takes on an even hotter show.

Growth Decay Transformation - S02E01 – “Ricin Beans”

Do you remember the first time you saw the black and white opening? What were your theories? Did you catch all of the foreshadowing in this episode? In case you missed those details, Pete and Courtney have a rundown of all the hard-to-spot clues that color this season. Your hosts will paint a picture that blends themes, plot, and character development so you can experience the great storytelling of Breaking Bad all over again.

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S02E01 – The A-Team Pilot: “Mexican Slayride”

We’re back for season two, where we’ll be sampling from the very best of 80s action television as we watch the pilots where all these stories begin. This week, we’re with the A-Team, who from what we gather are an elite team of special forces con-men, as they attempt to run a mercenary co-op with a side hustle of Hollywood studio backlot misadventures. Things get a little rough in patches, but the theme song is rad and Mr. T is still awesome.

Growth Decay Transformation - S01E01 – “I’m Awake”

It’s been 15 years since a pantsless Walter White first stepped onto our screens. Now that Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have finished their runs, Pete and Courtney are here to do a retrospective. This is for fans who have seen the shows because there will be SPOILERS! In this rewatch, Pete and Courtney will break down the characters, themes, and plot points and connect them to the greater arc of the story. Listen along as Pete and Courtney explore the growth, decay, and transformation of Breaking Bad.