Bald Move Pulp - The Deuce – 208 – Nobody Has to Get Hurt

Jim and A.Ron are here to gush about the penultimate episode of this season’s The Deuce, “Nobody Has to Get Hurt”. Of course, that means that someone will have to. The person who gets the hammer felt shocking and also inevitable in hindsight. There’s a lot of story left to unfold, the question now is how much resolution will we get and how much will be irrelevant once the show fast forwards to the 80’s. We consider Eileen’s career trajectory, Frankie tempting fate, the fall of House Pimp, and much more. See you back next week!

Bald Move Pulp - The Romanoffs – 104 – Expectations

Jim and A.Ron have a split decision on the forth episode of Amazon’s The Romanoffs, “Expectations”. A.Ron found it pointless and borderline unwatchable, where Jim was drawn into the human element of Amanda Peet’s Julia struggling to deal with a secret that has been weighing on her conscience for 20 years. Regardless, the episode does feature engaging performances from very likable stars (the previously mentioned Peet, and John Slattery). What did you think? Tell us using the contact info below!

Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars Within A Minute: The Making Of Episode III Documentary

Michael from Arlington, Virginia was nice enough to commission this podcast in honor of his lovely and talented wife, Susanna. Michael wanted to do something positive with his commission. He wanted to recognize and celebrate the hundreds and thousands of people; the artists, craftsmen, pencil pushers, the caterers, that collectively make our favorite movies and television shows possible. So often the below the line types toil near anonymously from project to project, but not on this podcast. Using the special feature, “Star Wars Within A Minute” as a guide, we go department by department to talk about the things small and large the contribute to your average Hollywood blockbuster. Whether you’re moved to sit through credits, study more about filmmaking, or perhaps look for a local project to get involved in, we hope you enjoy this podcast.

Bald Move Pulp - Cinema Spooktacular 2018: The Spookquel! – Vol. 1

Welcome to Cecily and A.Ron’s second annual Cinema Spooktacular! During the month of October, we like to watch scary movies, and then talk about them on a podcast. Perhaps you’d care to join? Stay awhile… stay FOREVER! Muahahahahaha!  This year we’re going to do multiple Spooktaculars in a (mostly failed) effort to get these out quicker. On this podcast, we discuss… 00:25:30 – Are We Not Cats?, 00:39:28 – The Endless, 00:53:42 – Mom and Dad, 00:57:54 – Hereditary 

Bald Move Pulp - The Deuce – 207 – The Feminism Part

Jim and I checked out the latest episode of HBO’s The Deuce, “The Feminism Part”, and boy, just a lot happened. There’s mob money, murder, attempted murder, betrayals, breakups, Bobby’s kid lost his virginity! The stakes can be as low as Vince losing himself for a few days tending bar in sleepy Vermont towns, or as high as a dead prostitute washing up and into Detective Alston’s case load. That’s life on The Deuce. 

Bald Move Pulp - The Romanoffs – 103 – House of Special Purpose

Jim and I watched an unexpectedly spooky episode of Matthew Weiner’s The Romanoffs, “House of Special Purpose”. Starring Christina Hendricks, Jack Huston, and Isabelle Huppert, it’s a tale that asks us whether we believe in ghosts or if one or perhaps more people are actually losing their minds. Does the spell work, and what is Weiner saying about coercive / abusive directors and set environments? Perhaps Hollywood’s legacy of sexual abuse is the spookiest story of all? And despite the super serious subject matter, we also find time to pitch a sequel to Twister, somehow, because of Paul Riser? Perhaps it is us losing our minds after all.

Bald Move Pulp - The Deuce – 206 – We’re All Beasts

A.Ron and Jim blow all the doors down on the latest episode of HBO’s The Deuce, “We’re All Beasts”. It provokes a lot of meta discussion about progressive politics, America’s long lost battle against vice, and offensive analogies. We also talk about Eileen’s guerrilla film-making campaign for what looks to be the very watchable Red Hot. Finally, A.Ron reacts to a 70s-era porno! 

Bald Move Pulp - The Romanoffs – 101 & 102 – The Violet Hour & The Royal We

It’s been three years since Don Draper and Peggy Olson left our televisions, and now Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner is back with something to say? Is it good, is it bad, is it something even worth saying? After seeing 180 minutes of his new series, The Romanoffs, we’re still oddly divided on answering those basic questions. It’s beautiful, and thoughtful, and at times absorbing, but are the disconnected lives of eight (perhaps delusional) offspring of the fallen House Romanov interesting enough to merit our attention? Over the next seven weeks we’ll see what we make of it together!

Bald Move Pulp - The Deuce – 205 – All You’ll Be Eating Is Cannibals

Jim and A.Ron go cruising for the latest episode of HBO’s The Deuce, and wind up going home with “All You’ll Be Eating Is Cannibals”. The Deuce has always featured duality; Frankie/Vincent being the parade example. But here we see two raids; one on an underground card game by a professional crew of criminals, another by professional law enforcement on an above ground massage parlor. We found ourselves sad and disquieted by both. We also see members of the gay community step out of the shadows and emerge as successful businessmen, politicians, neighbors working on the local council; as people, basically. And Vincent is confronted by his duality being converged, with Abby demanding him to take a side, either with her helping the women sex workers achieve safety and stability, or the mob that profiteers off their exploitation. But even if he wanted out, we’re reminded of his scene last week with the volcanic Tommy, “what do you mean, you want out?” Wanting and doing are two very different things, as we’re predicting we’ll all come to appreciate as season two enters it’s final act.

Bald Move Pulp - The Deuce – 204 – What Big Ideas

A.Ron and Jim are down to talk about the latest episode of HBO’s The Deuce, “What Big Ideas”. The Deuce drops another couple of bodies, which draws the increasing attention of the Public Morals Task Force. Unfortunately, that attention is incompetent, corrupt, or often both. Bobby and Vincent have trouble dealing with their involvement in the flesh trade, even as Abby and Dorothy beat the streets trying to organize and help their fellow women, often to little result. Also, C.C. innovates, Larry is packing, and Frankie’s misadventures running the dry cleaning entertain.