Labyrinth (1986)

What comes to mind when you think of the movie “Labyrinth”? If you were a young girl coming of age in the mid 80s, you probably remember the raw emo sexuality of David Bowie awakening something within you or the hero’s journey told from the female perspective. If you’re Jim you remember a ton of early internet memes centered on David Bowie’s bulge that eventually lead you to watching this bizarrely creative Jim Henson masterpiece. Either way, there’s something for everyone to love in this movie, and hopefully in the podcast we produced for Kevin and Courtney’s commission.

Bald Move Pulp - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Looks like The Lord of the Rings is back on the menu, boys! It’s another LotR mega-pod and this time you have epic mouthful to thank. This time we’re covering the rough middle ground of the epic saga, The Two Towers. While it is our least favorite of the LotR movies, that’s not to say that it’s bad. Actually, it’s very good. We take this opportunity to run down our favorite moments, thoughts on the storytelling, differences between the extended and theatrical versions as well as the books, and all the behind-the-scenes details we can get our hands on.

Gattaca (1997)

What are the answers to the challenging questioned raised by the possibility of genetic selection? Who should decide whether it’s legal and to what ends it’s employed? What is Jude Law hiding by not showing full frontal on screen? These are just some of the questions we attempt to answer as we consider Andrew Niccol’s 1997 genetic dystopia movie, Gattaca.

A big thank you to Josh H for commissioning this podcast!

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

Thank you to Dr. Jon for commissioning this podcast. How could we cover a movie of this epic scale without a podcast of equally-epic runtime? Grab a pipeful of Old Toby, kick back, and join us for this 2+ hour podcast for discussion of the Tolkien lore, behind-the-scenes information, and a whole bunch of us marveling at the general impossibility of a making a movie like this.
You can get your very own custom commissioned podcast by visiting

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)

The year is 2020 and Bill & Ted are back on the big screen, or the small screen depending on how you choose to watch it, to Face the Music. Their quest is to finally write the song that will unite the world and fulfill their destiny. Is their most triumphant return a truly Excellent Adventure or a Bogus Journey? Join us on the podcast to find out.

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This podcast was made possible by the generous support of Ann Merin. We thoroughly enjoyed this love letter to Star Trek. It’s got a shockingly deep roster of actors, launched the careers of at least 2 comedic talents, and showcases some outstanding effects work, considering the modest budget. It’s absolutely worth a watch if you’re a fan of Star Trek and somehow haven’t seen it.