Bald Move Pulp - Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) 30th Anniversary Re-release

It’s been thirty years since Terminator 2: Judgement Day hit the theaters and instantly became one of the greatest movie sequels of all time, and it’s been four years since we reviewed it. We figure it’s time to dust off that old podcast, shine it up, and re-release it to celebrate the milestone. Join us for our review of this classic.

Bald Move Pulp - Predator (1987)

A big, Arnold-sized shout out to epicmouthful for commissioning the Predator podcast. It might just be the perfect action movie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers muscling their way through the jungle, toting vehicle-caliber weapons, trying to kill the alien that is hunting them. What else do you really need to say? Well, we talk for over an hour about it so if there is anything else, we probably say it.

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Bald Move Pulp - Loki – S01E03 – Lamentis

The third episode of Loki can easily be seen as a disappointment when taken alone. Our bet is that there’s some serious subterfuge happening though, and when taken in tandem with the next episode (or possibly the rest of the season) it will all be a lot more satisfying. Join us for the podcast to hear our full spoiler review.

Bald Move Pulp - A Quiet Place Part II (2021)

We’re finally seeing a movie with the theater crowd for the first time since the pandemic started and it’s the sequel to a really enjoyable movie from 2018, A Quiet Place Part II. This time, John Krasinski is both writing and directing. How does that work out for the movie? Well, join us for the non-spoiler podcast to find out, then stick around after the trailer talk if you’re a club member for the deep dive into the spoilers.

Army of the Dead (2021)

You hear the concept for Zack Snyder’s “Army of the Dead”, a heist movie set in Las Vegas during the zombie apocalypse, and you can’t help but think it’s a great idea. Two great flavors that go great together. Turns out it is, but making the resulting movie enjoyable requires a lot more than just a great hook. Join two other flavors that go great together, Jim and special guest Jason from / The Walking Dead ‘Cast, to find out where things went wrong, and what went right in Army of the Dead.